Common: [Added] Add 3rd Party Reset button Common: [Added] Automatically set maintenance mode if the server connection fails Common: [Added] New Active Record engine Common: [Added] Ability to reimport orders manually Common: [Improved] Only one config model should be left Common: [Improved] Changes to System and Synchronization Logs Common: [Improved] JS handlers refactored [m1 compatibility] Common: [Improved] Use entities builders Common: [Improved] New Help Center Common: [Fixed] License problems when a client is blocked on Wizard pages Common: [Fixed] Problem with throttling (repeat request when connection error) Common: [Fixed] Fatal error in case of invalid response from server Common: [Fixed] Data imported by partial runner may be lost in case of a fatal error Common: [Fixed] Error on upgrade: Table 'm2epro_walmart_marketplace' doesn't exist (if tables prefixes are used) Common: [Fixed] Error on upgrade: Table 'm2epro_walmart_template_selling_format_shipping_override_service' doesn't exist (if tables prefixes are used) Common: [Fixed] Base table 'm2epro_listing_log' not found on repeat upgrade (if previous one failed) Common: [Fixed] "General error: 1709 Index column size too large" when trying to change some tables to InnoDB Common: [Removed] Magento QTY option from Synchronization Policy Common: [Removed] QTY_MODE_BETWEEN option from Synchronization Policy Common: [Removed] Conditional Revise for Price in Synchronization Policy Common: [Removed] Primary Config (merged with Module Config) Common: [Removed] Cache Config (use Registry instead) Common: [Removed] Usage of MyISAM tables eBay: [Added] Improved eBay Categories settings and management eBay: [Improved] Send variation images for Bundle product eBay: [Improved] Assign Category when import 3rd party item from eBay eBay: [Fixed] Error in Logs when manually mark an order as Shipped Amazon: [Improved] Background Synchronization Amazon: [Improved] Allow 500 characters in Bullet Point fields Amazon: [Fixed] Error in Logs when manually mark an order as Shipped Amazon: [Fixed] After upgrading from 6.4.14 to or higher, Australia Marketplace is not displayed Amazon: [Fixed] Problem with throttling (throttling manager feed counts were not considered for the price on Relist action) Amazon: [Fixed] Some orders are not imported Walmart: [Improved] Problem with throttling (sent lag time only for Canada on QTY feed) Walmart: [Fixed] Problem with throttling (promotions are not sent on Relist action) Walmart: [Fixed] Problem with throttling (throttling manager feed counts were not considered for the price on Relist action)ControlPanel: [Improved] Maintenance Mode does not let to come in Control Panel ControlPanel: [Improved] "Build Order Quote" does not work in some cases |