In version 6.6.0, we start supporting automatic Invoice/Credit Memo uploadingand Netherlands and Netherlands Marketplacebecomes available for available for Amazon Integration.
We also improved the running of Cron tasks and Module installation.
Read the detailed information below.
Data Migration from version 6.
As of May 2020, the migration process can be performed from M2E Pro v6.6.0 on Magento v1.x to M2E Pro v1.6.0 to on Magento v2is temporarily unavailable. The feature will be added in the nearest future. Please check these Release Notes for the updates..x. Detailed instructions can be found here.
Table of Contents
Amazon Integration
Automatic Invoice/Credit Memo uploading
M2E Pro automates invoice uploading for all orders managed across Amazon European Marketplaces (UK, DE, ES, IT, FR). Once an Invoice is created for Magento order, it will be automatically uploaded for the corresponding order on Amazon. The feature also applies to order Credit Memos. Read how to set the feature in this article.
Amazon Netherlands Marketplace is now available
We added one more Marketplace for Amazon – Netherlands (NL). Broad your sales with M2E Pro.
Technical Changelog
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Technical Changelog
Common: [Improved] Improve Cron tasks runner
Common: [Improved] Always throw an exception on duplicate key while using Magento registry
Common: [Improved] Improve ModuleInstaller and remove VersionHistory
Common: [Fixed] Incorrect error message at the stage of License creation
Common: [Fixed] Synchronization lock item is not deleted if Synchronization failed
Common: [Fixed] Options finder does not work on options with numeric labels
Common: [Fixed] Incorrect initiator on manual order actions
Common: [Fixed] Can't apply 'stop and remove' action for > 100 products
Common: [Removed] Deprecated Wizards
eBay: [Improved] Generate external transaction ID if it is empty
Amazon: [Added] Upload Invoices/Credit Memos on Amazon