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eBay Integration



Full Product automatic update on eBay
Automatic Revise of Items in order to solve the Brand/MPN-related errors

After eBay implemented new requirements for Product Identifiers to be specified requirements with a rather complicated mechanism of the for providing Brand and MPN values providing , and taking into account the issue with the Does Not apply value sent for some cases in previous versions, the following errors might arise during updating an update of the Multi-Variational Items:

  • 'The multi-variation titles have been changed and were not updated on the eBay. You need stop and then list this item again.';
  • 'Variation specifics cannot be changed in restricted revise''Duplicate custom variation label.', etc.

In the current M2E Pro versionanother , a different solution is implemented. It has a the mechanism which detects the Items which are facing with the problem described above and updates their data according to them on the channel in accordance with the values which are currently provided for them at the present moment.

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If an eBay Category in which the Item
is Listed starts to require
Product Identifier to be specified, all Product Data will be sent to
the channel

In previous versions, the errors may might arise during the Price/QTY Revise (Partial Revise) or Relist (with the Synchronize Data set to No) actions executing for the case, when Items' Category starts , in those cases when an eBay Category in which an Item was Listed started to require Product Identifiers (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc). It was caused by the fact that during these actions only min a basic set of the Product Data was sending sent to eBay (e.g. eBay Item ID and its new Quantity or Price), but the Product Identifiers were not sent. ThusDue to this, the errors such as 'UPC is missing a value. Enter a value and try again.', 'EAN is missing a value. Enter a value and try again.', etc. can arisecould occur.

These errors can could be received for an unlimited number of times, as there were was no mechanism which could update all the product data. Thus, it used to be would initiate a full Product Data update on the channel. Due to this, it was necessary to run the Revise action for the affected Items manually to solve this the issue. However, in In case of a big sizeable inventory, it is could be rather hard difficult to identify which item should be updated and manual actions running can be rather Item were affected and had to be manually updated. Moreover, execution of manual actions may be relatively time-consuming.

So, to solve this issueTo resolve the problem, M2E Pro implemented a the mechanism which automatically detects the affected items and makes Items and pushes the system to send all the Product Data be sent to eBay for them.

Below you can find the steps onof how it works:

  • the Product Price is changed in Magento Product;
  • Price Revise is startedlaunched;
  • eBay Item ID and updated Price value is sent;
  • eBay Category started starts to require the Product Identifier UPC to be specified;
  • the error 'UPC is missing a value. Enter a value and try again.' arisearises;
  • M2E Pro automatically detects that the item Item is affected by this issue and sends all the necessary Product data to eBay.

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As a result, the Item is updated on eBay with all the required data. This solution is working works for both Simple and Multi-Variational Products.