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Note: This Release would be helpful for Sellers with large Inventories with a high number of changes, who experienced issues with the Orders import/updating. Moreover it will be helpful for the current period of intensive sales related to the Christmas time. |
eBay Integration
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ImprovementsThe Variational Product cannot be listed to eBay if its Variational Attribute(s)/Option(s) contain the space at the start or at the end of its titleCurrently different eBay marketplaces have different behavior considering the Variational Products where Variational Attribute title or Option title has a space at the beginning or in the end. For some marketplaces eBay system automatically removes this space from the title, which causes the further issues with the Products updating. Along with that, for other marketplaces eBay system does not make any changes. Thus, to prevent any further issues with the Products updating on eBay, starting from the current version of M2E Pro the error will arise when you attempt to update such Variational Product. It allows M2E Pro to guarantee that the further errors from eBay considering the difference in the Variational Attributes/Options will not arise. |
Amazon Integration
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ImprovementsThere was a time-delay in Order status updating if there were a lot of List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions runningIn case you have a lot of Products in your Inventory with the high number of changes in them, the number of required List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions which should be executed is also high. For Sellers with the high-loaded systems as described above, the time-delay in the updating of Orders' Statuses might arise. In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was improved. The completely new, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the Orders updating and minimize the possible delay. So, the issue with the Orders' statuses updating delay should not arise. |
Common Changes
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ImprovementsThe Orders cannot be imported from Channel if there were a lot of Orders updates made at the same timeIf you have any tool or script in use which updated the Orders data, most probably, there are a high number of changes made at the same time to the Orders. Previously, M2E Pro used the method when it checked the date of the latest synchronization of Orders data and started the next import from this date. But using this method, the orders import might be stopped that was related to the amount of importing orders. In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was completely re-worked. New, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the further Orders importing/updating. This new functionality is solving this issue for Sellers with a high activity, large inventories and high number of Orders. The delay in the Orders downloading if there were a lot of List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions runningIn case you have a lot of Products in your Inventory with the high number of changes in them, the number of required List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions which should be executed is also high. For Sellers with the high-loaded systems as described above, the time-delay in the importing/updating of Orders might arise. In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was improved. The completely new, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the Orders updating and minimize the possible delay. So, the issue with the Orders updating/importing delay should not arise. |
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FixesMagento Order was not created when Quantity Reservation releasing does not revert the Product status back to In StockPreviously, in case the Quantity Reservation took place and changed the Stock Status of the purchased Product to Out of Stock, in some specific cases, it might not be reverted back to In Stock when the Reserved Quantity is released. In the 6.4.6 version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now. Multiple fixes of different functionalititesSome records were missingĀ in Listings Log during Magento Orders creation for Products with negative QTYIf your Product quantity was negative after/during the Magento Order creation, the according records were not available in the Listing Logs. In the 6.4.6 version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now. "Undefined index: reference_id" error during Magento Order creationIn some cases, the error 'Undefined index: reference_id" might arise during the Magento Order creation for eBay purchases. In the 6.4.6 version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now. |
eBay Integration
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ImprovementsThe Variational Product cannot be listed to eBay if its Variational Attribute(s)/Option(s) contain the space at the start or at the end of its titleCurrently different eBay marketplaces have different behavior considering the Variational Products where Variational Attribute title or Option title has a space at the beginning or in the end. For some marketplaces eBay system automatically removes this space from the title, which causes the further issues with the Products updating. Along with that, for other marketplaces eBay system does not make any changes. Thus, to prevent any further issues with the Products updating on eBay, starting from the current version of M2E Pro the error will arise when you attempt to update such Variational Product. It allows M2E Pro to guarantee that the further errors from eBay considering the difference in the Variational Attributes/Options will not arise. |
Amazon Integration
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ImprovementsThere was a time-delay in Order status updating if there were a lot of List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions runningIn case you have a lot of Products in your Inventory with the high number of changes in them, the number of required List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions which should be executed is also high. For Sellers with the high-loaded systems as described above, the time-delay in the updating of Orders' Statuses might arise. In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was improved. The completely new, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the Orders updating and minimize the possible delay. So, the issue with the Orders' statuses updating delay should not arise. |