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Reservation value is required if you enable Magento Orders creation option in Amazon Integration > Configurations > Accounts > Orders.

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How it works? The mechanism is simple:

  1. Amazon Order is imported;
  2. Magento Product's quantity is reserver (so it is decreased) until Magento Order is not created;

For example, you have a Product listed on Amazon with QTY=12.

2 Items were bought on Amazon and Amazon Order is imported. However, Magento order is not created yet.

  • If quantity reservation is disabled - on Amazon there are still 12 items available for purchase. But physically 2 of them are already sold. As a result - you can sell them again and it causes overselling.
  • If quantity reservation is enabled - the Product QTY is reserved, so there are only 10 Items available on Amazon. As a result - these items are not available for buyers and overselling is prevented.

In case you order was Reserved but then canceled, the reserve quantity will be released and becomes available for buyers again.

Default Quantity Reservation period is 1 day. So if 1 Item was bought and Magento Order was not created, Quantity will be reserved, so in Magento it will be decreased and overselling will be prevented.

How long Product QTY will be reserved?

The reservation period you set up in Account settings - is the maximum period for Reservation.

The Reservation can be canceled after Magento Order creation or manually by click Cancel QTY Reserve button at the top of the Order page.

After the product quantity is released, you can see an according record in Orders Log.



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Stock availability is crucial when processing an Order. For efficient inventory management, M2E Pro has developed the Quantity Reservation feature. It allows holding the Product stock aside until Magento Order is created or the reservation period expires. This plays the role of assurance that you would be able to fulfill the order and avoid the oversells. 

When does Quantity Reservation work?

After the Channel Order is imported and the Order creation rules are not met yet, M2E Pro reduces Magento Product quantity by the number of purchased Items. The related quantity will remain reserved during the term specified in your Account configuration and will be released prior to creating Magento Order or canceled once the reservation term expires.

For example, Amazon Item has QTY=12. A customer has ordered 2 Items. If Amazon Order is already imported but Magento Order cannot be created yet, the Quantity Reservation may occur: Magento Product quantity will be automatically decreased by 2 Items. The Channel Item will be updated appropriately. The prospective buyer will see only 10 Items available for the purchase on Amazon.

titleImportant note

M2E Pro will reserve the Item Quantity only if both 'Manage Stock' and 'Decrease Stock When Order is Placed' options are enabled in your Magento under the Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog > Inventory:

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How long does Quantity Reservation last?

The Item Quantity will remain reserved during the term specified in your Account configuration and will be canceled after the reservation term expires or released prior to creating Magento Order.

 The reservation is required if Magento Order creation is enabled. The '1 Day' term is provided by default.

Under the Amazon Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Orders you can select the reservation period from 1 to 14 days.

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You can cancel the Quantity Reservation manually if needed. Navigate to Amazon Integration > Sales > Orders, open the Channel Order details, click Cancel QTY Reserve at the top of the Order page.

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The 'Reserve Quantity' option is not available if the immediate Magento Order creation is enabled.

How can I track the QTY Reservation actions?

All actions related to the Quantity Reservation are logged. You can check them under the Amazon Integration > Sales > Logs & Events:

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