Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



Note: This version contains a lot of fixes for issues which used to occur. It increases the stability of running of your M2E Pro. Also, the Categories and Specifics data was updated for both eBay and Amazon Integrations. Moreover, ability to apply kTypes for French Marketplace was implemented.

Common Changes



More stable Extension Install/Upgrade process

Previously there were a lot of improvements made to the Install/Upgrade processes in regard of stability. The main aspect which makes them unstable previously was executing of the database upgrade/installing several times at once that was caused by the working of several Magento administrators at once.

In the current 6.4.8 version this process was improved more and now the issues which used to arise earlier do not persist.

Prevention of the synchronization running in parallel when the M2E Pro Cron Service is running

Starting from 6.1.1 version M2E Pro uses its own Cron Service. It is a predefined free service from M2E Pro. The principle of its work is based on the regular requests to a particular end point in Extension with further run of synchronization tasks at the moment of this connection. It has a lot of benefits and resolves a lot of issues which occurred in case the synchronization is controlled by the Magento Cron.

However, in some rare cases (when the network connection is unstable or the router related issues arise), the symptoms of the synchronization executed in parallel might appear.

So, in the 6.4.8 version the mechanism which prevents this issue is implemented into M2E Pro. Thus, the synchronization process will be run correctly.
