Versions Compared


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See the step-by-step guides for installing and upgrading your M2E Pro.


The latest M2E Pro versions are temporarily unavailable on Adobe Commerce Marketplace due to technical aspects. To keep your M2E Pro up-to-date, please use Composer to upgrade the Extension from and Click here for detailed instructions.

Also, you can upgrade the Extension manually by downloading the M2E Pro source code archive.

M2E Pro extension integrates Magento into eBay, Amazon, and Walmart platforms to deliver the multi-channel retail experience that boosts your profitability.

The Solution supports multiple eBay/Amazon/Walmart accounts, and continuous inventory synchronization with full order lifecycle management across 23 eBay, 14 Amazon, and 2 Walmart marketplaces.

The Module is improved on a constant basis to provide you with the highest level of service. Detailed information about each version can be found in the Release Notes section. 



It's strongly recommended not to make the downgrade.




Please check the M2E Pro versions lifecycle policy before installation/upgrading to be sure your Magento version is compatible with the latest M2E Pro version.


No data can be lost during an upgrade process. However, please, always back up your system prior to any upgrade related activity.
