M2E Pro version - 6.2.1

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

M2E Pro version - 6.2.1

eBay Integration


  • Ability to use Strike-Through Pricing for eBay Motors site

Strike Through Price - allows Seller to show preceding price of the item (historical or recommended) in a line through format. It is now available for eBay Motors site.

  • Ability to use Click And Collect shipping feature for UK eBay Site

Click & Collect at Argos enables your buyers to collect items at a time that suits them from over 650 Argos stores across the UK. Select "Yes" in an appropriate field of the Shipping policy to enable this option. Remember, that you should be eligible to use this functionality. For more details please read this documentation.

  • Ability to use Extended Holiday Returns for US, CA, UK, DE and AU sites

You can specify Extended Holiday Returns (as well as their regular non-holiday returns period) for chosen listings at any time during the year. Select "Yes" in an appropriate field of the Return policy to enable this option.

 The Extended Holiday Returns offer is not visible in the listings until the current year's holiday returns period start date, at which point it overrides the non-holiday returns policy. 

Fixes and Improvements

Performance was increased for Magento Product saving / Import tools (if there are many variation products)

You may have had problems when saving variational Magento products or using Import tools. The performance is now increased.

"Track Direct Database Changes" feature did not work properly if there were many changes at the same time

In some cases "Track Direct Database" feature was not working correctly (was not catching all the product changes) which led to inappropriate stock synchronization.

Memory leak if Listing (with big amount of products) or Policy/Template (many usages) settings are saved

You may have had problems when saving settings of the listing containing a large products amount or policy used in various listings. The problem is currently fixed.

Orders were not downloaded if the last downloading was more than 30 days back

If the last order had been received from eBay more than 30 days ago, new orders weren't imported. This period is now extended to 90 days.


Updating of shipping and payment statuses for orders with "Paisa Pay" payment method (eBay restriction)

If "Paisa Pay" payment method is selected, statuses shipping and payemtn statuses of eBay orders do not get updated due to eBay restriction.