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Amazon Troubleshooting

Use this guide to troubleshoot Amazon errors.

You can find more tips for troubleshooting in M2E Pro Knowledge Base.





Attribute "standard_product_id" is missing.

Amazon may return this error when you attempt to create a new ASIN in the Amazon catalog, but you do not provide a valid UPC/EAN.

Please make sure that you selected the right Magento Attribute for UPC/EAN option in Description Policy and provided a valid barcode value for that Attribute.

You are not authorized to list Products using the Brand value you specified. Please provide a valid value and try again.

You cannot sell products that are private ownership of the particular seller or company unless you are an authorized seller.

You can contact Amazon to receive approval for listing products under this brand.

The required attributes "__" are missing. Please set the values for the mentioned attributes and try again.

The error is returned by Amazon API when some Item Specifics are missing. 

You need to define all Specifics that are required for the selected Amazon Category and Product Type. Please navigate to a relevant Description Policy to complete the settings, then list your product.

The value provided for one of the specifics is empty or invalid. Please set the correct values for all specifics or use different SKU for creating a new product.

Please make sure that Magento Attributes, selected in the Item Specifics, contain valid values.

Review your Item Specifics under Amazon > Configuration > Policies > Description Policy > Specifics and check the relevant Magento Attribute values in your product.

UPC/ASIN/ISBN provided in Search Settings is not found on Amazon. Please set Description Policy to create New ASIN/ISBN.

No matches were found for your product in the Amazon catalog based on the provided Search Settings.

Please make sure that you provided a valid product identifier. Otherwise, you need to create a new ASIN/ISBN to list the product on the website. Follow the instructions in this article.

SKU does not match any ASIN and the product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation.

The error is returned by Amazon API if your product data is not eligible for a new ASIN creation.

Please make sure that your product identifier is valid for this particular product and provided in a correct format, i.e. 12-digit UPC, 12 or 13-digit EAN, 10 or 13-digit ISBN.

Otherwise, please contact Amazon to clarify which data contradicts their rules.

You may email M2E Pro Support to get the product data report that is submitted during the List action. It can be included in your Amazon request for completeness.

You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list.

Using incorrect UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs or JAN codes is prohibited and it can result in your ASIN creation privileges being suspended or permanently removed. Please ensure you are always using the appropriate UPC, EAN, ISBN, ASIN or JAN code when listing a product.

Value that was set to the Specific has length __ but allowed maximum length is "50". Please, enter a valid value and try again.

Amazon API limits the maximum length of the Specific names to 50 characters. 

To prevent the error, please shorten the Specific name to meet Amazon requirements.

The Product found on Amazon using UPC/EAN "__" provided in Description Policy is not a Child Product. Linking was failed because onlyChildProduct is required. Please provide the correct value and try again.

One of the product variations already exists in the Amazon catalog as an Individual product.

Please make sure that you provided a valid identifier for your product variation. Otherwise, you can list it as a Simple Product to assign to the existing Amazon Item.

"__" % of the products in your file did not process successfully. We recommend using Check My File to help you identify and correct common listing errors before updating your inventory. To use Check My File, upload your file on the "Add Products via Upload" page in the "Check My File" section.

Amazon API returns the error when some required settings/details are missing or invalid in your Amazon Seller Central.

Please check the product logs by clicking the Log icon in the Status column of the Listing grid. It helps to clarify which data/settings should be edited. Once you fix the related issues, this error will no longer arise.

Product cannot be Listed because in your Inventory the provided SKU "__" is assigned to the Child or Simple Product (ASIN/ISBN: "__") while you want to list Parent Product. Please check the Settings and try again.

Product with the same SKU already exists in your Amazon inventory as either a Child or Individual Product, and cannot be listed as a Parent Product.

If you list a different product, please edit SKU of the corresponding Magento Product or enable SKU modification option in the Listing Settings.

During the Listing Process, there was an Item found with the same SKU that is being Listed. Please change the SKU or enable the Option Generate Merchant SKU

Submitting a product with the same SKU is already in progress. Please make sure that you do not list a duplicate.

If you list a different product, please edit SKU of the corresponding Magento Product or enable SKU modification option in the Listing Settings.

Product with the same SKU is found in other M2E Pro Listing that is created from the same Merchant ID for the same Marketplace.

Please make sure that you do not list duplicate. M2E Pro detects two Listing Products with the same SKU.

If the products are different, please edit SKU of the corresponding Magento Products or enable SKU modification option in the Listing Settings.

Product with the same SKU is found in M2E Pro Unmanaged Listing. Please change the SKU or enable the Option Generate Merchant SKU.

Please make sure that you do not list duplicate. M2E Pro detects product with the same SKU in the Unmanaged Listing.

If the products are identical, please link the Unmanaged Item to the relevant Magento Product, then move it to M2E Pro Listing instead of listing duplicate.

If the products are different, you can edit SKU of the corresponding Magento Products or enable SKU modification option in the Listing Settings.

The value "__" provided for UPC/EAN in Listing Search Settings is invalid. Please set the correct value and try again.

Please check the value of Magento Attribute selected for UPC/EAN option in the Listing Search Settings. It must contain product identifier that is valid for this particular product and provided in a correct format, i.e. 12-digit UPC, 12 or 13-digit EAN, 10 or 13-digit ISBN.

The Quantity must be greater than 0. Please, check the Selling Format Policy and Product Settings.

Amazon prohibits listing products with zero quantity. Please update product quantity in Magento. Once the product is restocked, it will be listed automatically based on your List Rules.

Product cannot be Listed because no UPC/EAN value or Register Parameter is set in the Description Policy. Please set the required Settings and try again.

To resolve the issue, you can:

  • provide a valid UPC/EAN value in Magento Attribute selected in Description Policy;

  • select a different Magento Attribute for UPC/EAN option in Description Policy;

  • set up the Product ID Override option in Description Policy if your product does not have global trade identifiers. To use this option, you have to get approval from Amazon.

Product is not Listed. The process of New ASIN/ISBN creation has been started, but the Variation Theme was not set. Please, set the Variation Theme to list this Product.

Please define by which option(s) your product will vary on the Amazon website, i.e. Variational Theme, and set the correspondence between Magento and Amazon variation attributes. To do it, please navigate to M2E Pro Listing and click Manage Variations next to the relevant Listing Product. Once it is done, you can apply the List action.

Product cannot be Listed because ASIN/ISBN is not assigned, UPC/EAN value is not provided and the Search Settings are invalid. Please set the required Settings and try again.

Please make sure that your Search Settings are properly configured: specify the valid ASIN/ISBN or UPC/EAN values to assign your product to the relevant ASIN automatically.

Otherwise, you can provide the settings for a new ASIN creation.

There is more than one Product found on Amazon using Search by "__". First, you should select a certain one using manual search

Two or more matches were found for your product in the Amazon catalog based on the Search Settings. You need to select Amazon Item that best corresponds to your product. To make a selection, please click Pencil icon in the ASIN/ISBN column next to the product.

EAN "__" provided in Search Settings is not found on Amazon. Please set Description Policy to create New ASIN/ISBN

No matches were found in the Amazon catalog based on this product identifier.

To list product under a new ASIN, you must set up Description Policy.

The value for the required attribute "__" is invalid or empty. Please set the correct values for all the required attributes and try again.

Please provide a valid value for the mentioned Attribute in Magento. You should complete the Attributes under the relevant Store View if you have several ones in your Magento.

The Description data provided for current SKU has a technical conflict with data of Amazon Catalog for the Product with ASIN/ISBN "Example_Amazon_ASIN".

The following is the values that are conflicting: item_id (Merchant: "Example_Merchant_ASIN" / Amazon: "Example_Amazon_ASIN" ). If your product corresponds to this ASIN/ISBN, please modify your data to reflect the Amazon Catalog values. Otherwise, check that your value(s) for "standard_product_id" are correct.

During the List of your product, Amazon Product with ASIN/ISBN "Example_Amazon_ASIN" was found based on your Search Settings. But your value for ASIN attribute does not match the Amazon one: Merchant: "Example_Merchant_ASIN" / Amazon: "Example_Amazon_ASIN".

If your product corresponds to this Amazon product, you should edit your ASIN value in accordance with Amazon data.

Otherwise, check your Product ID or adjust your Search Settings.

You are submitting the UPC/EAN value that does not match the identity attribute stored in Amazon catalog for this SKU.

The identity attribute (UPC/EAN) is tied to ASIN when the Product is uploaded to the Amazon catalog and cannot be changed. Please edit your Product ID in accordance with the actual UPC/EAN for this particular ASIN. Otherwise, create a new SKU with the updated identity attribute. For more information, see:

The error arises when your product identifier does not correspond to the UPC/EAN associated with this particular ASIN.

To assign the product to this ASIN, you should edit your product UPC/EAN in accordance with Amazon data. Otherwise, you can list your product under a new ASIN.

M2E Pro did not use New ASIN/ISBN Creation feature assigned because settings for ASIN/ISBN Search were specified in Listing Search Settings and a value "__" was set in Magento Attribute for that Product.

This warning appears to inform you that the New ASIN/ISBN creation functionality was disregarded because the Search Settings are enabled and the UPC/EAN value is provided. 

If your product is new and does not exist in Amazon Catalog yet, you can list it under a new ASIN and the Search Settings should be disabled. 

If this Product is presented in the Amazon Catalog, you should adjust Search Settings to find existing Amazon ASIN and list your product under the existing ASIN.

Account authorization is failed. Please ensure Amazon account settings are correct.

You need to grant M2E Pro access to your Amazon account to maintain the inventory and order synchronization with the Amazon Marketplace. 

In your M2E Pro, please go to Amazon > Configuration > Accounts > Edit Account > Generaland click Get Access Data. After you are redirected to the Amazon website, sign in to your seller account and grant Extension an access token. After the token is obtained, please Save your Account Configuration in M2E Pro.

If the error persists, please go to your Amazon Seller Central account and Revoke access token from M2E Pro. Then, complete the steps above to authorize M2E Pro.

Magento Order # was not canceled. Reason: Cancel is not allowed for Orders with Invoiced Items. 

To resolve the issue, please consider the next:

  • If your order is already paid, it can only be refunded.

  • Order cancellation/refund made directly on the Channel does not affect Magento order. Yet, M2E Pro updates your Channel order to the relevant status under Amazon > Sales. 

  • To cancel/refund Magento Order, you need to create Credit Memo in your Magento. After that, M2E Pro will update Order status on the Amazon website automatically.

This Parent has no Child Products on which the chosen Action can be performed.

Your Variational Product has no active Child Products yet and cannot be Revised/Relisted.

To resolve the issue, please navigate to M2E Pro Listing and click Manage Variations next to the relevant Listing Product. Add Child Products, then list them to the website. Once it is done, you can update your Item.