
Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.


Once you select a Category and a Product Type, you can continue with Specifics. The set of Specifics depends on the Amazon Category so it’s important to choose the category that matches your product characteristics best.

Let’s say you sell socks.

If you choose the category Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry > Novelty & More > Clothing > Novelty > Men > Socks, you’ll see the following specifics: “Clothing Type”, “Apparel Closure Type”, etc.

Whereas if you choose the category Sports & Outdoors > Fan Shop > Sports Collectibles > Clothing & Uniforms > Socks, these specifics will be offered: “Character”, “Fabric Type”, etc.

The Classification Data section will be auto-filled based on the selected Category and Product Type. Still, you need to complete Specifics under the Variation Data manually depending on your product variations.

The Specifics have a nested structure. Each Specific is located in a particular section. For example, Color can be found in Clothing -> Dresses -> Color and Computers -> Printers -> Color.

Click Add Specifics button to search for the Specifics.

Use Only Desired filter so M2E Pro shows only advised Amazon specifics but not required.

Select one or several Specifics that describes your product and click Confirm.

Now you can proceed with setting up the Specifics values.

Sometimes when selecting some Specifics you may need to fill in additional related Specifics.

To set the values of the Specifics use Recommended Values, Custom Value or Custom Attribute.

  • Recommended Values  –  Amazon recommends certain characteristics for your product. Choose the most appropriate one from the drop-down menu.

  • Custom Value – enter the proper information about your product manually.

  • Custom Attribute – use one of the Magento attribute values.

To add Specifics into a particular group click icon.

If you don’t know which group your Specific is located in, click Add Specifics button at the top of the page.

For some Specifics, it's possible to set several different values. For this, click  icon.

If you're going to use the Description Policy to create a new Amazon Parent-Child Product based on Magento Product, some values of Specifics can be automatically overwritten in the future. Such Specifics are marked with icon.

In other words, if you select a particular value for Specific "Color" and use this Description Policy to create a new Amazon Parent-Child Product that varies by "Color" attribute, this value will be automatically overwritten with corresponding values of Amazon Child Products.