eBay Troubleshooting

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eBay Troubleshooting

You can use this guide to troubleshoot eBay errors.


You can find more tips for troubleshooting in M2E Pro Knowledge Base.



The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.

Please check your Item title/description to ensure that it complies with eBay policies.

Buyers love large photos that clearly show the item, so please upload high-resolution photos that are at least 500 pixels on the longest side.

Please ensure your Item images meet the 500-pixel minimum requirement.

This item cannot be accessed because the listing has been deleted, is a Half.com listing, or you are not the seller.

The error may occur during an Unmanaged Item relist.

If the corresponding eBay Item was deleted, the Unmanaged Item cannot be relisted.

This Listing is a duplicate of your item: [item name]. Under the Duplicate Listing policy, sellers can't have multiple Fixed Price listings, multiple Auction-style (with the Buy It Now option) listings, or in both the Fixed Price and Auction-style (with the Buy It Now option) listings for identical items at the same time. We recommend you create a multiple quantity Fixed Price listing to sell identical items.

Please ensure that you do not list an Item duplicate. Read more on how to prevent eBay Item Duplicates.

Please enter a valid price for your item.

eBay requires pricing the Items of at least 1.00 $. Please edit your Item price to be successfully published on eBay.

The authorization token is hard expired. A user needs to generate a new token for this application.

An error may arise, for example, if your credentials for your eBay account were changed, and the linkage between M2E Pro and your eBay account was lost.

You need to reauthorize M2E Pro by navigating to eBay > Configuration > Account Configuration > General and clicking Get Token.

You've provided an invalid shipping policy.

Please ensure that your shipping settings comply with relevant eBay site requirements.

Variation Specifics provided does not match with the variation Specifics of the variations on the item.

The errors may arise if the variational data of your Magento Product differ from the corresponding eBay Item. 

To resolve the issue, please edit Magento Product to comply with the relevant eBay Item. Otherwise, you need to stop eBay Item, then Relist it manually.

Your listing must have at least 1 photo. Please add at least 1 photo and then submit your listing.

Please add a relevant image to your Item prior to listing it again.

Variation cannot be deleted during restricted revise.

The error may occur if you try to delete a variation that has sales on it.

If you do not want to offer this variation, you can set its quantity to zero.

This listing would cause you to exceed the number of items you can list. You can list up to x more items this month. Please consider reducing the quantity or request to list more: https://scgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UpgradeLimits&appId=0&refId=19.

To resolve the issue, please reduce the number of items you are trying to list or request to raise the maximum limit.

Duplicate custom variation label.

Please check if all Item variations have unique SKUs.

We noticed that you don't have a payment method set up with your eBay account. As soon as you take care of this, you'll be able to list more items.

You need to set up a valid payment method. For example, some eBay sites require you to offer PayPal.

If the original item was not listed as a Multi-SKU item, you cannot change it to be a Multi-SKU item during relist (or revise). You will need to create a new listing as a Multi-SKU item.

You need to list your multi-SKU product as a new Item instead of relisting/revising an existing non-multi-SKU Item.

You must accept the International Selling Agreement before you can list this item on a site other than where you registered or with international shipping options. If you prefer not to accept this agreement, you will need to list only where you registered and choose local postage options in this tool before resubmitting your listing. Please visit [link] to accept these terms.

If you want to sell internationally (cross-border trade), you must accept eBay terms by following the link in the error message.

A hold has been placed on your eBay account. Our records indicate that your credit card has twice declined for payment, and/or your account is at least 60 days overdue.

To resolve the issue, please check your eBay account status and update your credit card details, and/or make payment for overdue fees as required.

The account for user ID [account] specified in this request is suspended. Sorry, you can only request information for current users.

Item cannot be listed until you reactivate your account. Please contact eBay support.

This Listing is a duplicate of your item: [item (item number)]. Use multi-quantity fixed price listing to list these items.

Please ensure that you do not list an Item duplicate. Read more on how to prevent eBay Item Duplicates.

Otherwise, find the original listing and update its quantity instead.

You have exceeded your maximum call limit of [value] for [item] per day. Try again after [time].

You may attempt to list a product later. Please wait.

The duration [value] day(s) is not available for this listing type, or invalid for category [category name].

Please ensure that the specified listing duration is valid for the selected listing type and category.

We can't list this item because its payment policy contains one or more invalid payment methods. Select a payment policy that contains only valid payment methods.

Please make sure you indicated valid payment methods for an Item.

Listing titles are limited to [value] characters.

Ensure your listing title is not longer than the maximum allowed length.

The category selected is not a leaf category.

Please make sure you selected a leaf-level category, i.e. the category that has no subcategories. 

The error may arise after eBay makes category changes. To comply with the eBay catalog, please timely update the marketplace data in your M2E Pro: under eBay > Configuration > Marketplaces, please click Update Now.

The category is not valid, select another category.

You need to select a different eBay Category for an Item.

The error may arise after eBay makes category changes. To comply with the eBay catalog, please timely update the marketplace data in your M2E Pro: under eBay > Configuration > Marketplaces, please click Update Now.

Invalid value for [Item identifier].

Please make sure you specified a valid Item identifier, e.g. UPC, EAN, ISBN, GTIN, ePID.

Portions of this listing cannot be revised if the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours.

eBay prohibits updating an Item that has a bid, Best Offer, or ends within 12 hours.

Duration cannot be revised, possible reasons: the item has bid or active Best Offers or is ending in 12 hours, the item is a store item, or the item is an ad-format item.

Duration cannot be changed:

  • for a fixed-price Item if it has sales on it;
  • for an auction-style Item if it has a bid, Best Offer, or ends within 12 hours.

Only Single item can be sold in auction-style listings. Switch to Fixed Price format to sell multiple items.

eBay allows listing only one Item per auction-style listing. If you need to sell more than one item per listing, you should list it as a fixed-price listing.

Duplicate Variation Specifics trait value in the Variation Specifics Set container.

The error may arise if you have the same variation options but written in upper- and lowercase, e.g. "white", "White", and "WHITE". eBay recognizes the values as duplicates and prevents an Item from submitting.

Duplicate name-value combination in variation Specifics.

Please make sure that you specified Item properties, e.g. size or color, using the Item Specifics to create unique values for each variation.

This item was not relisted because the listing does not exist or is still active.

Please ensure that you relist an existent eBay Item or it has a not active status.

You are not allowed to revise ended listings.

The finished item cannot be revised. Please apply the Relist action.

The quantity must be a valid number greater than 0.

Please ensure that your Item has a positive stock.

Internal error to the application.

The error occurs due to problems on the eBay server side. Please try again later.

At least one of the variations associated with this listing must have a quantity greater than 0.

Please ensure that your Item variations have a positive stock.

Duplicate names in name value list in variation Specifics container.

Please make sure that all Specifics in the Specifics container are unique.

Variation is required for a listing that previously had variations.

The error occurs when your variational Item gets out of stock. Please restock the corresponding eBay listing or end it.

The token of eBay account is no longer valid. Please edit your eBay account and get a new token.

You need to grant M2E Pro access to your eBay account to maintain the inventory and order synchronization with the eBay marketplace. Please go to eBay > Configuration > Accounts > eBay Account > General and click Get Token. After you are redirected to the eBay website, sign in to your seller account, then click Agree to generate a new access token.

After the token is obtained, please Save your Account Configuration in M2E Pro.

You must offer a maximum handling time of 1 business day to use Get It Fast.

If you want to continue using the 'Get It Fast' feature, please provide the same/one-day handling time.

Condition is required for this category.

Please specify a condition for your Item.

Third-party authorization has been revoked by the user via site preferences settings in My eBay. The user must complete the Auth & Auth sign-in process again.

You need to grant M2E Pro access to your eBay account to maintain the inventory and order synchronization with the eBay marketplace. Please go to eBay > Configuration > Accounts > eBay Account > General and click Get Token. After you are redirected to the eBay website, sign in to your seller account, then click Agree to generate a new access token.

After the token is obtained, please Save your Account Configuration in M2E Pro.

Listing is missing required item specific(s): [item specific]. Please provide the required item Specifics.

Please complete the required Item Specifics, then try to list your Item again.

Package weight is over the weight limit for service [service]. The maximum weight is [weight].

Please adjust the package weight to comply with carrier limitations.

For security reasons, please log in again.

You need to grant M2E Pro access to your eBay account to maintain the inventory and order synchronization with the eBay marketplace. Please go to eBay > Configuration > Accounts > eBay Account > General and click Get Token. After you are redirected to the eBay website, sign in to your seller account, then click Agree to generate a new access token.

After the token is obtained, please Save your Account Configuration in M2E Pro.

Your listing cannot contain javascript (".cookie", "cookie(", "replace(", IFRAME, META, or includes), cookies or base "href".

eBay does not permit to use of JavaScript and some types of HTML. To learn more details, please read eBay HTML and JavaScript policyeBay emails, and links policy.

Please edit your Item description to comply with eBay requirements.

The Image Attribute, that is used in the Description Template, must contain absolute URL.

Please provide an image URL in the correct format, e.g. http://mymagentostore.com/images/baseimage.jpg

Subtitles are limited to 55 characters including spaces.

Please ensure that your listing subtitle is not longer than 55 characters.

Buy It Now price should be at least [percentage] more than your starting price.

You need to either increase your Buy It Now Price or reduce your Starting Price to meet eBay requirements.

You've provided an invalid return policy.

Please adjust your Return Policy to comply with eBay requirements.

You've provided an invalid payment policy.

Please adjust your Payment Policy to comply with eBay requirements.

To list in 2 categories, please specify 2 different categories.

To resolve the issue, please ensure that you specified different categories for the Primary and Secondary eBay category options.

Missing value in the NameValueList pair within a Variation or within the VariationSpecificsSet container.

Please make sure that you completed all the Specifics for Item variations.

Selected category is not enabled for variation listings

The selected eBay category does not support variational Items. Please choose a different category for your multi-SKU Item.

To require immediate payment, you must specify a Buy It Now price.

To enable immediate payment, you need to provide a Buy It Now Price for your Item.

A mixture of Self Hosted and EPS pictures are not allowed.

Please select either EPS (eBay Picture Services) images or self-hosted images. The options cannot be combined.

Variations Specifics and Item Specifics entered for a Multi-SKU item should be different.

This error appears when Item Specifics are equal to the Item variational options.

You will get this error, for example, if you list a variational Item that varies by‘Color’option and has ‘Color’ value in the Item Specifics.

To avoid the error, you need to set up ‘Color’ to ‘None’ in the Item Specifics. Please read how to edit eBay Item Specifics in M2E Pro.

The tags [tag] is/are disabled as Variant.

The word you are using is reserved by eBay and can’t be used for your eBay Item. Please provide a different attribute name to avoid the error.

A Dutch auction, Buy It Now, Best Offer Only, Classified Ad, or Fixed-Price item cannot have a reserve price.

To resolve the issue, please remove the Reserve Price or change the eBay listing type.

The starting price must be less than the reserve price.

Please edit the price values to meet eBay requirements.

Invalid <WeightMinor>. Enter a value between 0 and 15 for <WeightMinor>.

If you are using pounds and ounces to describe the weight of your item, please make sure the ounces figure is within the 0-15 range.

Personal Offer or Live Auction items are not revisable/relistable.

No action is required. Please do not relist or revise personal offer / live auction.

Duplicate name-value pair [pair name] in variation Specifics

This error means that two or more Item variations have the same Item Specifics. eBay recognizes them as duplicates. Please adjust your Item variations.

Variation specific names exceed limit [value]

You have exceeded the limit for variation specific names. Please reduce the number of variations in your variational Item.

Shipping service cost exceeds [amount] maximum allowed for the selected category.

Reduce the shipping cost for your Item to meet eBay requirements.

You will be unable to complete this request until payment is made or a credit card is put on file for automatic monthly billing.

You need to pay the overdue fees on your eBay account and/or provide credit card details to eBay for continuous payment authority.

At least one valid shipping service must be specified.

Please providevalidshipping service for your Item.

Buy It Now Dutch Auctions are not supported at this time.

You need to change the eBay listing format.

The Best Offer Auto Accept Price must be less than the Buy It Now price.

Reduce your Best Offer Auto Accept Price or raise your Buy It Now Price to comply with eBay requirements.

No rate table has been created. Please create the rate table.

The error occurs when you enable the 'Use eBay Shipping Rate Table' option but do not set up a shipping rate table on eBay.

Please complete the shipping settings in your eBay account.

Title or subtitle cannot be revised for auction-style listings that have at least one pending bid or are ending in less than twelve hours, and for fixed price listings that have at least one quantity sold or have a pending best offer.

No action is required. The Item cannot be revised.

For immediate payment, you need to upgrade your PayPal account to a Premier or Business account. Go to PayPal to upgrade or turn off the immediate payment requirement for this listing.

To resolve the issue, you can upgrade your PayPal account on the PayPal website or turn off the immediate payment option for this Item.

The format of the PayPal email address is not valid. Enter a valid email address.

Please enter your email address in the correct format.

The start price cannot be changed if the listing has a bid or ends within 12 hours.

No action is required. The Item Start Price cannot be changed.

Listing cannot be revised because you have reached the maximum number of revisions allowed.

No action is required. You have exceeded the allowed number of Item revisions.

Specified quantity is not valid for the item.

Please ensure that you entered a valid quantity for your Item.

You're not the seller of this item. Only sellers allowed to modify the item information.

Please ensure that your eBay account is valid and that you use a relevant account when revising this Item.

Internal Application Error. Please try again after some time.

Please try to apply the action later.

The package weight is not valid or is missing. Provide a valid number for the weight.

Please make sure that you specified a package weight, and that it is valid.

Email address cannot be used for PayPal payments at this time.

The error occurs if there is an issue with your PayPal account. The immediate payment cannot be applied until you resolve the issue. 

Please log in to PayPal to check your account status.

During the quantity calculation, the settings in the "Manage Stock No" field were taken into consideration.Item quantity is updated based on the Global Quantity Settings. Please make sure your setup is correct.

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