ASIN/ISBN management for Multi-Variational Products

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ASIN/ISBN management for Multi-Variational Products

Similar to Simple Products, you can assign the existing ASIN/ISBN or create a new ASIN/ISBN for Multi-Variational Items using M2E Pro. 

Find more information about the Multi-Variational Products in this article.

Assign existing ASIN/ISBN

When you list Multi-Variational Item via M2E Pro, Magento Parent Product is matched with existing products in the Amazon catalog and, is assigned to the appropriate ASIN/ISBN. You need to match Magento and Amazon attributes in order to locate ASIN/ISBN for the product.

In case Magento and Amazon attributes are identical, they will match automatically. If you want to edit matched Attributes, click Manage Variations next to the Product in the grid.

Please remember that Parent Product is not added to your Amazon Inventory if you list Magento Variational Product under existing ASIN/ISBN.

You also need to ensure the number of attribute values is the same for Magento and Amazon Products. If it is different, you can create a virtual attribute so M2E Pro displays your product correctly on the Channel. Find several examples below:

  • Magento Product has fewer attributes than Amazon Product

Let`s say your Magento Product varies by attribute ‘Color’, whereas the corresponding Amazon Product contains two variational attributes — ‘Color’ and ‘Size’. 

In this case, you need to select the value that does not exist in the Magento Product (‘Size’). M2E Pro will virtualize the ‘Size’ attribute. On Amazon, this product will be available with the attribute ‘Color’ and the selected ‘Size’ option.

Magento Product`s variations will be available only in a combination with the selected option of the virtual attribute.

  • Magento Product has more attributes than Amazon Product

Let`s say your Magento Product varies by attributes ‘Color, ‘Size’, and ‘Material’ whereas the corresponding Amazon Product contains only two variational attributes — ‘Color’ and ‘Size’.  

In this case, you need to select the value that does not exist in the Amazon Product (‘Material’). M2E Pro will virtualize the ‘Material’ attribute. On Amazon, this product will be available with attributes: ‘Color, ‘Size’, and selected ‘Material’ option.

Once selected, the virtual attribute cannot be changed.

When Attributes are matched, M2E Pro will begin creating Child Products based on the matching of Options. M2E Pro automatically matches Magento Variations with Amazon Variations and creates Child Products.

To manually match Magento Variations with Amazon Variations, click Manage Variations next to the Product in the grid.

Choose the remaining Variations from Magento (that were not matched automatically) and Variations from Amazon that are not used yet.

When Variations are matched, click Add New Child. You will see all the added Child Products. Next to each Child Product, you will see its ASIN/ISBN.

In case you change titles of Magento Attributes or Options (e.g. Color to Colour, Red to Light-Red) and M2E Pro does not manage to re-match them with Amazon Attributes and Options automatically, you should do it manually. You will not be able to synchronize your Magento Product (List, Relist, Revise, etc.) and create orders for it until the Attributes and Options are matched.

When Attributes and Options are matched, you can list the Child Products you created.

Create new ASIN/ISBN

If no corresponding ASIN/ISBN exists in the Amazon catalog yet, you can create a new ASIN/ISBN for your product. For this, add the Description Policy with the New ASIN/ISBN creation option enabled and indicate the attribute for UPC/EAN

In case the product you sell does not imply UPC/EAN (e.g. handmade, private-label) and you have Amazon approval for listing products without Product Identifiers, use one of the Product ID Override options in the Description Policy.

You can create the Description Policy under Amazon > Configuration > Policies. Read this article for more details.

If you list Magento Variational Product under new ASIN/ISBN, M2E Pro automatically considers you as a creator of ASIN/ISBN. 

Once the Description Policy is set, you need to select a Variation Theme for your item. For this, click Manage Variations next to the necessary product in the Listing grid and switch to the Settings tab. There you can specify Variation Attributes for your product or create Virtual ones if necessary.

In the mass Actions menu, run List action to create a Parent Product on Amazon and ASIN/ISBN code. Then click Manage Variations > Add New Child Product and set the correspondence between Magento Variation and Amazon Variation to create a new Child Product.

As a creator, you can generate an unlimited number of new Child Products for selected Parent Product and add new options of the Variation Attributes for the Parent Product.

As a rule, Amazon strictly regulates the creation of new Attributes for the product. 

Once Child Products are created, run List action to make them available on Amazon.

If you assign Magento Product to ASIN/ISBN you created outside the M2E Pro, you are not considered its creator by default. For this, you need to click I am the Creator under Amazon > Listings > Manage Variations > Settings. 

Once done, M2E Pro will start the verification process. In the Settings tab, you also need to specify the SKU of the Amazon Parent Product. When SKU is found, M2E Pro marks it as created by you.

Following the above-mentioned steps, you will easily assign your Multi-Variational Products to the appropriate ASIN/ISBN via M2E Pro.

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