Manage Categories

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

Manage Categories

In this article, you will find out how to edit eBay categories for products that have already been added to the Listing.

If you need to assign eBay categories to products when adding them to the Listing, please see this article.

Update categories

To keep the Category list in M2E Pro up to date, go to eBay > Configuration > Marketplaces and click Update Now for the Marketplaces you are using.

Edit assigned categories

All the categories assigned to the Listing Products can be found under eBay > Configuration > Categories. Here you can quickly find and edit necessary categories.

When you edit categories data all changes you have made will be automatically applied to all M2E listings where these categories are used.

To edit category data, click View. You will see the Edit eBay Category screen.

If a category has status Removed, you should move all the assigned products to another relevant category. After that, you can delete the deprecated one.

 On the first tab, you can edit the default set of Item Specifics for the selected category:

  • set the predefined values for specifics;

  • define your additional specifics.

On the Primary Category and Secondary Category tabs, you can view and manage products of the category.

Select the required products and submit the Edit action.

In the appeared Category Settings pop-up, edit Primary Category to move the product to a different category. If some products require individual specifics, edit the default Item Specifics Set.

Edit Categories in Settings View Mode

Another way to manage eBay categories is Settings View Mode in M2E Pro Listing. It allows you to set categories for each product in your M2E Pro Listing.

  1. Switch your M2E Pro Listing to the Settings View Mode.

  2. Select the required Item(s).

  3. Select the Categories&Specifics action from the Action menu, then click Submit.

  4. In the opened pop-up, click Edit to update the Categories settings.


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