eBay Guaranteed Delivery

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eBay Guaranteed Delivery

If you have 100+ transactions per year and a late shipment rate of 5% or below, you are eligible to participate in the eBay Guaranteed Delivery program. You can benefit from greater Item visibility as eBay buyers are able to filter out the listings by a guaranteed delivery option.

All qualified sellers have two options to offer Guaranteed Delivery:

  • handling time option;

  • door-to-door option.

A short overview of each of them can be found below.

Handling time option

There are several qualifiers you should be compliant with to get an eBay Guaranteed Delivery label on your Items:

1. Guarantee the same-day or 1-day handling time.

To specify the required handling timeframes via M2E Pro, you can use Shipping Policy under eBay > Configuration > Policies > Shipping Policy > Domestic Shipping:

2. Define the same-day handling cutoffs.

3. Ship using eligible carrier services for the handling time guarantee.

4. Add postal code to Item location.

You can do it in Shipping Policy under eBay > Configuration > Policies > Shipping Policy > Item Location:

The Guaranteed Delivery program will be activated for the eligible Items automatically. eBay will handle the customers' claims of late delivery as long as the seller meets the handling-time commitments.

Performance requirements for sellers offering the Handling time option are next:

  • A minimum of 97% on-time handling on Guaranteed Delivery transactions.

  • A minimum of 95% on-time tracking upload on Guaranteed Delivery transactions.

Door-to-door option

If you have multi-location warehouses, you may opt into the Door-to-door guarantee. In this case, you are responsible for an Item delivery by a guaranteed date, as well as for refunds and return labels if an Item arrives late. eBay accompanies the customers' service.

To opt into the Door-to-door guarantee, please navigate to Account Settings > Site Preferences > eBay Guaranteed Delivery Setting in your eBay seller account. Click Show, then Edit. In the opened pop-up, click Learn More, select Door-To-Door Guarantee, and click Count Me In.

There are several qualifiers you should be compliant with to get an eBay Guaranteed Delivery label on your Items:

1. Use eBay Shipping Rate Tables for all Guaranteed Delivery Items.

2. Ship using the eligible carriers for the door-to-door guarantee.

Once all requirements are met, the Guaranteed Delivery program will be activated for Items automatically.

Performance requirements for sellers offering the Door-to-door option are next:

  • A minimum of 97% on-time delivery.

  • A minimum of 95% on-time tracking upload.


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