Set up Selling Policy

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Set up Selling Policy

How You Want To Sell Your Item

Listing Type – select the appropriate format for your Products:

  • Auction – buyers can place bids to win the item.

  • Fixed Price – buyers can purchase the item immediately without bidding.

For more details, check this eBay article

Private Listing – select 'Yes' to allow buyers to remain anonymous to other eBay users when they bid on or buy an item. Only the seller will see the usernames.

For Business Users Only - select 'Yes' to offer an item to business users only.

'For Business Users Only' option is available for business sellers who offer the items only in B2B-enabled categories on eBay DE, AT and CH. Also, the valid VAT ID registered with eBay is required.

Quantity And Duration

Listing Duration – defines how long your item will be shown on eBay.

  • For Auction-style items, you can select 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 days. 

  • For Fixed-price items – Good 'Til Cancelled.

A 1-day listing duration option is available only if you have a feedback score of at least 10.

eBay automatically renews the Good Till Cancelled items once per month until the stock is sold out or seller ends it, otherwise, the item breaches eBay Policy.

Quantity – the number of items you want to sell on eBay.

  • Product QTY – the number of items displayed on eBay will be equal to their quantity in Magento.

  • Custom Value – allows specifying the particular number of Items to be displayed on eBay.

  • Magento Attribute – item quantity value will be taken from the selected Attribute.

QTY Percentage – the number of items displayed on eBay will be calculated as a percentage of Product Quantity or Magento Attribute value. For example, if QTY Percentage = 80% and Product Quantity = 10, the item quantity available on eBay will be 8.

Conditional Quantity – allows specifying the maximum and minimum number of Items to be displayed on eBay.

  • Minimum Quantity to Be Listed - e.g. if you have 2 items in stock and the 'Minimum quantity to be listed' is 5, the item will not be listed on eBay.

  • Maximum Quantity to Be Listed - e.g. if you have 10 items in stock and want to keep 2 items back, set the 'Maximum quantity to be listed' to 8.

Lot Size - switch to 'Custom Value' to enter the number of items in a lot or select an appropriate Magento Attribute.

The Lot is a set of two or more identical or similar items that must be purchased together.

The Lot Size value does not affect the number of ordered Items and Magento Product quantity. It only informs the customers how many items are included in the Lot they bought.

Ignore Variations – select how to list Configurable, Bundle, Grouped, Simple with Custom Options, and Downloadable Products on eBay. 

If you use Backorders or Do not Manage Stock options, additional settings are required. Please find more details here.


Set your tax preferences depending on the eBay site that you are selling on.

Use VAT – choose if you’d like to add VAT rate to the Price of eBay Items:

  • Including in price – Price of an Item will not be increased, VAT rate will be included in it.

  • On top of price – Price of an Item will be increased by a specified VAT percentage.

To remove the specified VAT rate from the Item Price on the channel and let eBay treat it as a net Price, set 0%.

Use eBay Tax Table – enable this option if you want to use the tax tables configured in your eBay Seller Central. The feature is only available for CA (English and French), US, and eBay Motors sites.


The available Price settings depend on the Item format you selected.

Fixed Price Item

Price – select an Item Price source:

  • Product Price – eBay Item price will be equal to the corresponding Magento Product price.

  • Special Price – Special Price of the corresponding Magento Product will be sent to eBay.

  • Magento Attribute – the price value for eBay Item will be taken from the selected Attribute. Magento Attribute must contain a numeric value.

If the Special Price attribute is selected from the Magento Attribute group and it does not contain any value, the Product Price will not be used instead. An error will be returned by eBay.


If the Special Price attribute is selected as a price source, but it is not defined in Magento Product settings, Product Price will be used instead.

If the End Date of the Special Price attribute has already expired, M2E Pro will revise the product and send the Product Price value to the Channel.

Price Change - allows adjusting an Item price on eBay. The following options are available:

  • Absolute Value increase - increases eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.

  • Absolute Value decrease - reduces eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.

  • Percentage increase (%) - increases eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

  • Percentage decrease (%) - reduces eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

Here is an example of how the item price is calculated if you set to add the VAT Rate on top of the item price:

The Product Price is $120. The Price Change is set to Absolute Value Increase of +€3. The VAT Rate is 19%.

Step 1. Сalculate the Item Price taking into account the Product Price value and Price Change settings:

Product Price + Absolute Value Increase = €120.00 + 3 = €123.00

Step 2. Calculate the VAT Rate value for the item:

Product Price with Price Change settings applied x VAT Rate (%) = €123.00 x 19% = €23.37

The final Item Price will be calculated according to the following formula:

(Product Price + Price Change) + VAT Rate = (€120.00 + 3) + €23.37 = €146.37

The Item is listed on eBay with a price of $146.37.

If you set to include the VAT Rate, the same item will be listed on eBay with the price of $123 while the VAT Rate of 19% will be already included in the price.

Watch our video tutorial on how to apply eBay VAT (Value Added Tax) to Magento products via M2E Pro.

Variation Price (only for Magento Bundle Products) – select a price source for the Item variations:

  • Main Product – the price value for Item variations will be taken from Magento Parent Product.

  • Associated Products – the price values for Item variations will be taken from the relevant Magento Child Products.

Strike Through Price - allows sellers to show historical / recommended Item price as strikethrough text. Find more details here.

Minimum Advertised Price -  it is the lowest price that a retailer can advertise a product for sale. Find more details here.

If your Item price is below the manufacturer's Minimum Advertised Price, it will not be displayed on the eBay Item page. Buyers will see your retail price only after they add the Item to the cart.

If you are a Business Seller and need to specify the Unit Price, read this article to learn the details.

Auction Listing

Price Change - allows adjusting the Item price on eBay. The following options are available:

  • Absolute Value increase - increases eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.

  • Absolute Value decrease - reduces eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.

  • Percentage increase (%) - increases eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

  • Percentage decrease (%) - reduces eBay Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

Add VAT% on top of Price – choose whether a VAT rate should be added to or included in the price when an item is listed on eBay:

  • Yes – VAT rate will be added on top of an item price.

  • No – VAT rate will stay included and an item price won't be changed.

Here is an example of how the item price is calculated if you set to add the VAT Rate on top of the item price:

The Product Price is $120. The Price Change is set to Absolute Value Increase of +€3. The VAT Rate is 19%.

Step 1. Сalculate the Item Price taking into account the Product Price value and Price Change settings:

Product Price + Absolute Value Increase = €120.00 + 3 = €123.00

Step 2. Calculate the VAT Rate value for the item:

Product Price with Price Change settings applied x VAT Rate (%) = €123.00 x 19% = €23.37

The final Item Price will be calculated according to the following formula:

(Product Price + Price Change) + VAT Rate = (€120.00 + 3) + €23.37 = €146.37

The Item is listed on eBay with a price of $146.37.

If you set to include the VAT Rate, the same item will be listed on eBay with the price of $123 while the VAT Rate of 19% will be already included in the price.

Start Price – the lowest price at which you can start an Auction.

  • Product Price – eBay Item price will be equal to the corresponding Magento Product price.

  • Special Price – Special Price of the corresponding Magento Product will be sent to eBay.

  • Magento Attribute – the price value for eBay Item will be taken from the selected Attribute. Magento Attribute must contain a numeric value.

"Buy It Now" Price – the fixed price for the immediate purchase. Select either Product Price or Special Price, or Magento Attribute. Here you can read in more detail about the "Buy It Now" price.

Reserve Price – the lowest price at which you are selling an Item. Select either Product Price or Special Price, or Magento Attribute. eBay may charge an additional fee for using this feature.

Currency Rate

Magento default functionality allows to automatically convert Product Price and Special Price values once eBay site currency does not match Magento Base currency. You will see the following notification:

If the exchange rate settings are incorrect, you will be notified:

Example 1

To fix this issue, navigate to System > Configuration > Currency Setup > Currency Options. Select the required currencies in the Allowed Currencies option and save the configurations.

Example 2

To fix this issue, navigate to System > Manage Currency > Rates. Set up necessary exchange rates and save Currency Rates.

The conversion will be performed based on the Base Currency and Currency Rates of your Magento. Read this article for more details.

M2E Pro allows converting the values of Magento Attributes with Price input type.

If are going to list products on the Marketplace that has different Base Currency compared to your Magento one, and the price values are set to be taken from Magento Attribute with Price input type, you can enable an automatic currency conversion. M2E Pro will automatically convert the relevant Magento Attribute value based on the Currency Rates in your Magento.


You can support the charities using the Donation feature. Set up a donation percentage that will be transferred to the selected organization. The list of organizations varies depending on the Marketplace.

Best Offer

Allow Best Offer – allows you to accept offers from buyers and negotiate a price. You can accept Best Offers on Fixed Price and Classified Ads in certain categories, such as eBay Motors. Click here to find out more details.

You can respond to buyers manually (directly from the eBay site) or use auto Accept and Decline options:

  • Accept Offers of at Least – the price at which (or greater than) an offer will be automatically accepted.

  • Decline Offers Less Than – the price at which (or less than) an offer will be automatically declined.

If you use % of Price to set auto-respond settings, Accept and Decline values will be calculated as:

- Accept Offers >= Buy It Now Price * percentage value;
- Decline Offers <= Buy It Now Price *percentage value. 

According to eBay requirements, there should be a difference of at least 1% between the Accept and Decline price values.

 Magento Attribute selected for this option must contain an appropriate Price value in the numeric format.

eBay requires the following condition to be met: Decline Best Offers price < Accept Best Offers price < Buy It Now price.

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