Parts Compatibility

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

Parts Compatibility

If you sell vehicle details on eBay, you can take advantage of eBay Parts Compatibility. It allows listing specific parts and accessories in relation to the compatible vehicles. Both buyers and sellers benefit from it, which helps achieve a boost in sales and makes it easier for buyers to find the required parts.

Parts Compatibility is available for eBay Motors, eBay Australia, and some European eBay sites. There are two types of vehicle numbers that you can use to specify parts compatibility information for your M2E Pro Listings:

  • eBay Product IDs (ePIDs)

  • kTypes

Here is a brief overview of these two types of vehicle numbers:






Based on the Product Reference IDs of compatible vehicles for the eBay Site

Based on the general kType data provided by eBay

Vehicle Model Year

Fixed (for example, 2019)

Range that indicates production period (for example, 2019-2021)

Marketplaces Supported

eBay Motors, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy

United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Australia

The kType database is the same for all related eBay Sites.

To add ePIDs/kTypes of compatible vehicles to your Products in M2E Pro, follow these instructions:

Step 1. Update the Marketplaces

Get the most up-to-date Parts Compatibility list by updating eBay Marketplaces. To do it, go to eBay > Configuration > Marketplaces and click Update Now or Update All Now:

Step 2. Set up a Compatibility Attribute

Go to eBay > Configuration > General and set up a Compatibility Attribute. It will be used for saving ePIDs/kTypes of compatible vehicles:

Step 3. Indicate the Parts Compatibility Mode

Navigate to the M2E Pro Listings grid page and choose the Parts Compatibility Mode via the corresponding action in the individual actions menu:

In the pop-up, select the mode and make sure to do it for each relevant listing. Click Save.

This is a required step if you are listing vehicle details on UK, DE, and IT marketplaces where both types of vehicle numbers are supported.

Step 4. Select compatible vehicles

Open the necessary listing and switch to the Settings View Mode on top of the Products grid.

Select the Products that you want to add the compatible vehicles to. Use the individual or mass actions menu and submit the Add Compatible Vehicles action.

A pop-up will appear where you can select compatible vehicles manually.

The following instructions are applicable for both ePID and kType vehicle numbers.

A list of the available compatible vehicles depends on your choice of the Parts Compatibility Mode (ePID/kType) at step 3 (for UK, DE, IT marketplaces).

Groups and Filters functionality

To make the search for compatible vehicles more effective, you can filter them by various parameters (for example, Type, Model, etc.). If you want to use the applied Filters later again, click Save Filter:

Another way to save the selected compatible vehicles for future use is to group them via the Save As Group action:

For your convenience, you will find all of the saved Filters and Groups under the corresponding tabs:

Due to technical reasons, you can select only up to 3000 compatible vehicles at once. But let’s say you need to add 4000 compatible vehicles right away. You can create two filters or groups and add 2000 ePIDs/kTypes per filter or group. All the items belonging to those filters or groups will be added to your product in the Listing in one click.

You can save and add as many groups or filters as you need, but the number of ePIDs/kTypes within each of them cannot exceed 3000.

Adding notes to compatible vehicles

You can also provide extra details for the selected compatible vehicles. To do that, submit the Set Note action from the mass actions menu and enter the required information in a separate field.

The added note will appear next to the vehicle number.

After the vehicle is added to your Product, you can view the note at any time in the Compatibility column within the Listing.

When listing your Product, M2E Pro will submit the text of the note to eBay along with the Parts Compatibility information.

Once you select the necessary compatible vehicles or previously saved Filters/Groups, submit the Select action:

After that, you will see the number of selected compatible vehicles.

Click Add/Override to save the selected compatible vehicles into the Parts Compatibility Magento Attribute and add them to your Product in M2E Pro Listing: 

  • Add - the selected ePID/kType values will be added to the list of items within the Attribute.

  • Override - the selected ePID/kType values will override the already existing ones.

If there is a problem with your listing on eBay Motors, review eBay's guidelines and policies to ensure compliance.

If your listing was created via M2E Pro, you can always contact our customer support to get the help you need. In case you face a problem due to the issues on eBay’s side, we suggest reaching out to eBay's customer support for assistance.

Step 5. View added compatible vehicles

The Parts Compatibility information you’ve just indicated will appear in the Listing grid (Settings View Mode). Click Show in the Compatibility column to view the list of ePIDs/kTypes added to that product.

In the appeared pop-up, you can also remove vehicles that are no longer relevant using the dedication action from the menu:

That’s it! Once you list or revise the item, the provided Parts Compatibility information will become available on eBay.

To make sure that M2E Pro automatically updates Parts Compatibility data on eBay whenever you make any changes, enable the corresponding option in your Synchronization Policy (eBay > Configuration > Policies > Synchronization Policy > Revise Rules):

The Parts Compatibility list is based on the eBay data. If you do not find the required compatible vehicles within this list, you can import a custom ePID/kType database.

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