Account Set-up
Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.
Account Set-up
M2E Pro extension must be granted a user token to be able to interact with eBay. The user token authorizes M2E Pro to access eBay data on behalf of an eBay User. A user grants an application a user token by giving consent via the eBay sign-in and consent page.
The Extension allows granting and using an unlimited number of user tokens for eBay accounts, which operate in the Production or the Sandbox environment.
M2E Pro requires at least one eBay account set for interaction with eBay.
You must have the Extension License Key to be specified to be able to add eBay Accounts.
When you start working with M2E Pro at first, you will be required to create your first eBay account.
If you need to add another account, you should:
- go to eBay Integration > Configuration > Accounts
- click on the Add Account button
Or use the Add Another button at the first step of the new listing creation: