Order Import

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

Order Import

For each eBay Account, M2E Pro allows importing orders from eBay and setting up automatic Magento Orders creation.
Using appropriate settings, you can create Magento Orders for the items listed by the 3rd party software and by M2E Pro.

There is no way to disable eBay Orders Import, but you can disable Magento Orders creation in case you do not want Magento Orders to be created according to eBay Order.

The Product Stock Quantity is only reduced after Magento Order is created

You can also access Order settings from your Orders grid (eBay Integration > Sales > Orders).

Product Is Listed by M2E Pro

Create Order in Magento - allows you to enable/disable the Magento Order creation for the purchases for Items that were Listed via M2E Pro.

Magento Store View Source - allows you to select the Store View where the created Magento Order will be placed in. You can select from several available options:

  • Use Store View from the Listing - which will create the Magento Order for the same Store View as the one provided in Listing Settings;

  • Choose Store View Manually - which gives an ability to manually select the Store View where the Magento Order should be placed in.

Product Is Listed by Any Other Software

Create Order in Magento - allows you to enable/disable the Magento Order creation for the purchases for Items that were not Listed via M2E Pro.

Magento Store View - allows you to select the Store View where the created Magento Order will be placed in.

  • Product Not Found - choose what should happen if there is a Channel item that doesn’t exist in your Magento Catalog:

- Do Not Create an Order - Magento Order won’t be created for this Channel item.

- Create Product and Order - both Magento Product and Order will be created for this Channel item.

  • Product Tax Class - Tax Class that will be used for Products created by M2E Pro.

Magento Order Number

ISource is set to Magento, Magento order numbers are created based on your Magento settings. But if it is set to eBay, Magento order numbers are the same as eBay order numbers.

General Prefix - determines whether the Prefix should be added to the Magento Order Number for all eBay orders.

If you set Use Marketplace ID as a Prefix option to Yes, all orders numbers will be marked with short Marketplace ID e.g. GB145000006.

Shipping information

  • Import Ship by date to Magento order - decide whether ‘Ship By Date’ info must be imported to the Magento orders.

  • Override invalid Region/State required value - set to Yes to automatically replace the invalid Region/State value with an alternative one for the specified country.

Customer Settings

Guest Account – the system does not require a customer account to be created. The default guest account will be used instead.

Predefined Customer – the system uses predefined customers.

Create New – a new customer will be created in Magento.

  1. Associate to Website – Website a customer account will be created for.

  2. Customer Group – Customer Group a customer will be assigned to.

  3. Send E-mails When The Following Is Created – allows notifying the customer when Magento Order and/or Invoice are created. Necessary emails will be sent according to Magento settings in Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Sales Emails. (Hold Ctrl button, to choose more than one option.)

Billing Address Usage – select the appropriate option of how to handle the billing address for the imported Customer:

  • Always - the shipping address is always used as the billing address.

  • Buyer & Recipient have the same name - the shipping address is used as the billing address only when Buyer's name and Recipient's name are the same. Otherwise, billing address fields will be empty and this message will appear in the city field: "eBay does not supply complete billing Buyer information".

Order Creation Rules

  • Checkout Is Completed – use the option to create Magento order after a buyer complete checkout on eBay.

  • Payment Is Received – use the option to create Magento order only after a buyer complete checkout and make a payment on eBay.

On the other hand, if any other option is selected for Create Magento Order When functions, the Reserve Quantity option becomes available.

This option reduces the Magento Product Inventory immediately when the eBay sale occurs in the marketplace and creates a "reserve" inventory that will be used when the Magento order is created upon payment. If the Order does not complete (receive payment) within your "reserve period" then the order is canceled and the inventory is put back into the Magento Product.

Why? The time between an eBay purchase and the payment for that purchase can create inventory issues.
To remedy this, use this option to prevent an item in your Magento from being sold after eBay sells your last one (i.e.: before the Magento order for that sale is created upon payment).

Refund & Cancellation 

Set this option to Yes if you would like to cancel or refund eBay orders via M2E Pro and get their statuses automatically updated on the Channel. 

Order Tax Settings

Choose the Tax Source for the Magento Order creation.

  • None - means that no Tax should be applied to the Orders;

  • eBay - means that eBay tax settings should be applied for Magento Order creation;

  • Magento - means that Magento Tax Rules should be applied for Magento Order creation;

  • eBay & Magento - Magento Orders use tax settings from the eBay Listing. If there are no tax settings set in eBay, Magento tax settings are applied.

Orders Status Mapping

Set the correspondence between eBay and Magento order statuses. The status of your Magento order will be updated based on these settings.

You can either use the default order statuses or customize them according to your needs.

If you choose the default option, the Magento order will have a predefined status whenever checkout/payment/shipping is completed on eBay. For example, once the order is “Shipped” on eBay, its status in Magento will change to “Complete”.