Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.
How to Set Up Custom Description
Custom Description
By creating the Custom Description, you can personalize the look and feel of your eBay Items.
Paste your custom description template in the Description Value field. Click Preview to check the results and see how the item will be displayed on eBay.
eBay does not allow using JavaScript and some types of HTML. For more details, read eBay HTML and JavaScript policy, eBay emails and links policy.
Custom Description Inserts
Using the Inserts tool, you can add the product images and attributes to the Custom Description.
Adding Attributes
Product Attribute – contains a list of all Magento attributes:
M2E Pro Attribute – list of M2E Pro Listing settings:
To add a Magento / M2E Pro attribute, complete the following steps:
Choose the required attribute from the drop-down.
Click Insert.
The Attribute tag will be added in the #name_of_attribute# format. You can put the inserted tag in any place of your Description template.
When you insert the URLs of Base Image / Gallery Images to the Custom Description, the related references will be displayed as a string, e.g. No pictures will be shown.
Before adding the Gallery Image URLs to the Custom Description, enable the Gallery Images option under the Images section in Description Policy.
Adding Custom Static Blocks
To complete the Item description with some constant information, insert Magento Static Blocks in the following format:
M2E Pro tracks changes of Magento Static Blocks that are used in the Custom Description. Enable the 'Description' option in the Revise Rules of your Synchronization Policy to initiate an automatic Item revise every time the related Static Block is modified.
Adding Products Image(s)
Before adding images via the Inserts tool, please consider the following points:
- If the image is marked as excluded in Magento, it will not be added to the Description.
- For Configurable, Bundle, and Grouped Products, images will be taken only from the Main (Parent) Product.
- All inserted images will be displayed from your store web server and will not be uploaded on eBay.
Add Product Image – allows choosing which image has to be added to the custom description. Configure the available Image settings: Position, Width, Height, Margin, Use Watermark.
Position - select which image should be added to the Description. The value from the drop-down corresponds to the index number of the image in Magento Product. If a Product Base Image is selected, the image marked as a Base Image will be added to the Item Description.
The Sort Order column in Magento Product is not taken into consideration. The image is added according to the actual index.
Width/Height - use the original picture size or provide the custom values.
Margin – specify the bottom and right margin borders of the image.
Add Product Images – allows you to add up to 20 images to the Description. Configure the available Image Gallery settings: Quantity, Displaying, Size, Layout.
Gallery images provided in the Custom Description are processed via HTML with CSS technology instead of JavaScript to comply with eBay instructions.
Quantity – determines a certain quantity of images that has to be added to the Description.
Displaying Images – specifies how to display images in the Description. You can use two modes:
- Custom Settings – images will be added according to the Image(s) Width, Image(s) Height, Image(s) Margin you set.
- Gallery View – allows you to quickly view images by clicking on the small thumbnails. Configure the available settings: Main Image Width, Main Image Hight, Gallery Hint.
Layout - select in which way the Images should be displayed:
- Horizontal – the images/image thumbnails will be displayed in a row.
If Custom Settings mode of image displaying enabled:
If Gallery View mode of image displaying enabled:
- Vertical – the images/image thumbnails will be displayed in a column.
If Custom Settings mode of image displaying enabled:
If Gallery View mode of image displaying enabled: