Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.
Step 1: General Settings
Check out this video on how to configure General Settings for your M2E Pro Listing.
Choose a descriptive and meaningful title for your M2E Pro Listing.
This title will be used only for your convenience in M2E Pro and won’t appear in your eBay Listings.
eBay Settings
Choose the Account you’re going to use for this M2E Pro Listing.
If the eBay User ID you want to use is not listed as an option, click Add Another.
For more details, see our guide on adding an eBay Account.
Select eBay Marketplace where you want to sell your Listing Products. Currency is set automatically based on the site you choose here. For example, Euros for Germany or US dollars for the United States.
Magento Settings
Magento Store View
Choose the Magento Store View for your M2E Pro Listing. It determines which Magento Products can be added to this Listing and which product information will be submitted to the Channel.