Selling Policy

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

Selling Policy

Before you publish your offer on the Walmart website, you must define the selling conditions, i.e. product price, quantity, shipping, product tax code settings, etc. To do it, set up M2E Pro Selling Policy under Walmart > Configuration > Policies. Click Add Policy, select Selling, then complete the following steps:

Step 1: Provide general settings

Please enter a meaningful title for your internal use, then select Walmart marketplace.

Selling Policy is created per marketplace that cannot be changed after the Policy is assigned to M2E Pro Listing.

Step 2: Define a product quantity

  • Quantity - select Magento source for a product quantity available on Walmart.

  • Quantity Percentage - specify a percentage of Magento Product quantity that has to be submitted to Walmart. For example, if QTY Percentage is set to 10% and Magento Product quantity is 100, the item quantity available on Walmart will be calculated as 100 * 10% = 10.

  • Conditional Quantity - enable if you want to define minimum and maximum product quantity values that should be submitted to Walmart. Please consider the following explanation prior to enabling the option:

    • if Magento Product quantity is 2 and you set a minimum quantity to be listed of 5, a Listing Product will not be listed on Walmart. To be submitted, Magento Product quantity has to be equal or more than the value set for the Minimum Quantity to Be Listed option.

    • If Magento Product quantity is 5 and you set a maximum quantity to be listed of 2, your Walmart Item will have a maximum quantity of 2.

    • If Magento Product quantity is 1 and you set a maximum quantity to be listed of 3, your Walmart Item will have a maximum quantity of 1.

Step 3: Set a product price

  • Price - select Magento source of a product price displayed on Walmart. Selected Magento Attribute must contain only numeric values.

If the Special Price attribute is selected, but it is not defined in Magento Product settings, Product Price will be used instead.

If the End Date of the Special Price attribute has already expired, M2E Pro will revise the product and send the Product Price value to the Channel.

  • Price Change – adjust Magento Price value that will be submitted to Channel.

You can add multiple price modifications for your products. For that, click Add Price Change, choose how you want to change the price, and enter the value.

There are four available price modification options:

- Absolute Value increase – increases Walmart Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.

- Absolute Value decrease – reduces Walmart Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.

- Percentage increase (%) – increases Walmart Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

- Percentage decrease (%) – reduces Walmart Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

  • Variation Price Source - select the source of a price value for Bundle Product's options displayed on Walmart.

    • Main Product - a price value will be taken from Magento Parent Product.

    • Associated Products - a price value will be taken from Magento Child Products.

  • Minimum Advertised Price - it is the lowest price that a retailer can advertise a product for sale.

  • Promotions - enable to provide promotional pricing for your products.

Please click Add Promotions to complete the Promo details, i.e. Start and End Dates, Promotional and Comparison Prices, Promo Type. You can specify up to 10 promos for a product by clicking Add.

  • Add VAT Percentage - enable to add a specified VAT value to a product price when it is listed on Walmart.
    For example, if Magento Product Price = £10 and VAT rate = 15%, i.e. £10 * 15% = £1.50, the final item price on Walmart will be calculated as Magento Price + VAT, i.e. £10 + £1.50 = £11.50.

Step 4: Complete offer details

  • Lag Time - specify the number of days it takes to prepare an item for shipment.

  • Product Tax Code - provide a relevant tax code if you sell the taxable items. Walmart uses PTC to automatically calculate the taxes on each sale based on the item sold and delivery location.

You may either select Magento Attribute where the relevant tax codes are stored or input the tax code value manually. When the Custom Value option is selected, you can choose the PTC from the current sales tax codes list by clicking Show Sales Tax Codes.

Step 5: Provide shipping information


  • Weight - enter the weight of the product when it is packaged to ship. The Shipping Weight is set in pounds by default.

  • Must Ship Alone - specify whether a product must be shipped alone.

  • Ships in Original Packaging - specify whether a product can be shipped in original packaging without being put in an outer box.

  • Override Mode - enable to add the Shipping Overrides.

Please click Add Shipping Override Service to define the item-level exceptions  to the global shipping settings you configured in the Seller Center:

Step 6: Define an offer start/end date

We strongly recommend you keep the default Start/End Date values, i.e. Immediate and Endless. Your offer will become visible on Walmart as soon as it is in stock.

Providing specific dates for the Start/End Date options may only be reasonable if you plan to sell your product during a certain period, e.g. start selling on 20th November and stop selling on 30th November. 

In this case, on the Start Date, if your product is in stock, it becomes visible on Walmart. No additional actions are needed on the M2E Pro side at that time. When the End Date comes, Walmart retires your item and hides it from the website. In the M2E Pro Listing grid, the product becomes Incomplete. If you want to keep selling this product, adjust the End Date and apply the Reset Incomplete Item(s) action. M2E Pro will automatically submit new product data to Walmart.

Regardless of the Start/End Date values, M2E Pro lists your product based on the synchronization settings. Depending on the product stock, it will be marked as either Active or Inactive in M2E Pro Listing. If the Start Date is set to the one in the future, the Stage notice appears next to the Listing Product status.

Step 7: Customize selling attributes (optional) 

Additional information may improve the performance of your offer. If you need to indicate a certain product parameter that is not presented among the default Selling Policy options, you can add a custom attribute. Enter an attribute name and value or click Insert to use a value of the selected Magento Attribute. 

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