Minimum Advertised Price

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

Minimum Advertised Price

Minimum Advertised Price is the minimum price allowed by the manufacturer of a Product that can be used by a seller when advertising a Product. It applies to the US only.

If you choose to set a Minimum Advertised Price, a buyer will get a discount equal to the difference between Minimum Advertised Price and Product Price.

Exposure options

None - Discounted Price will not be shown during either Pre-Checkout or Checkout. A buyer will be aware of the discount before the payment is done.

During Checkout - Discounted Price will be shown on the eBay checkout flow page. A buyer will be aware of the discount before the purchase is confirmed.

Pre-Checkout - the information of Discounted Price will be available on the product page. A buyer will be aware of the discount before he decides to make a purchase by clicking "See Price" link. Discounted Price will be shown in a pop-up window.

When both Strike-Through Price and Minimum Advertised Price are selected, only Minimum Advertised Price is sent to eBay. The Minimum Advertised Price should be lower than the Strike-Through Price; if not, the Product will not be listed on eBay.