Strike Through Price

Important: This is a legacy version of the documentation. Please visit the current documentation page.

Strike Through Price

The Strike-Through Price is displayed as a line drawn through the original price of an item. This option is currently available on eBay AU, ES, FR, DE, IT, UK, USA, CA, and eBay Motors Marketplace. STP must be greater than the Selling Price. Your eBay Account must be participating in the Discount Pricing program in order to use this feature.


eBay requires you to indicate where the Strike-Through Price was previously used (for UK and DE sellers only)

Recommended Retail Price - the selling price as recommended by the manufacturer. If you choose this option, the Strike-Through Price will be labeled as ‘RRP’ to eBay buyers.

Previous Selling Price used on eBay - this Price was used in a different Listing on eBay 30 days prior to the Item Listing, excluding shipping and handling. In this case, the STP will be labeled as ‘Was’ to eBay buyers.

Previous Selling Price used beyond eBay - this Price was used outside an eBay site either online or offline 30 days prior to the Item Listing, excluding shipping and handling. In this case, the STP will be labeled as ‘Was*’ to eBay buyers.

Previous Selling Price used both on and beyond eBay - this Price was used both on and outside an eBay site 30 days prior to the Item Listing, excluding shipping and handling. In this case, the STP will be labeled as ‘Was’ to eBay buyers.

When both Strike-Through Price and Minimum Advertised Price are selected, only Minimum Advertised Price is sent to eBay. The Minimum Advertised Price should be lower than the Strike-Through Price; if not, the product will not be listed on eBay.

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