M2E Pro Version - 1.2.0

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M2E Pro Version - 1.2.0

Common Changes


Wizard for Module Migration from Magento v1.x

Data Migration from Magento v1.x to Magento v2.x is an ample and complicated process. And to make this process easier, the Migration Wizard was created.

To start with, you should ensure that your current M2E Pro versions for both Magento v1.x and Magento v2.x are upgraded to the versions which support the Migration process.

Migration from M2E Pro for Magento v1.x to M2E Pro for Magento v2.x is available only from particular version for Magento v1.x to specified version for Magento v2.x. To verify which versions can be used, please, consult with our Support Team via email support@m2epro.com.nce

Then, you should navigate to Stores > Configuration > Multi Channels > Advanced Settings tab and click Proceed button for Open Migration Wizard option. It will take you to the first step of the wizard, where you will need to disable dynamic functioning of both M2E Pro for Magento v1.x and M2E Pro for Magento v2.x in order to correctly prepare data for further its migrating.

Once you click Continue button, you will be taken to the second step of the Wizard, where you will find an instructions on how to migrate the database from Magento v1.x to Magento v2.x.

Note: this step is rather time-consuming. So, you might be logged out from your Magento and the link to the Migration Wizard can be lost. To return to the current step of the wizard, you should navigate to Stores > Configuration > Multi Channels > Migration from Magento v1.x.

After the database migration is completed, you will need to go to the next step of the Wizard. On this step, you will need to synchronize the Marketplaces data.

Our Congratulations! You have successfully migrated all the data from your M2E Pro for Magento v1.x to M2E Pro for Magento v2.x. So, you can use all available M2E Pro features for the version based on the Magento v2.x.

 Ability to Migrate from Magento1 module v6.5.0.8

If you would like to move your store to Magento v2.x, you can easily do that using a Migration tool for the M2E Pro version

Please, learn more about the Migration here.

Compatibility with Magento Enterprise version (Staging module)

Starting from this M2E Pro version, the Magento Enterprise versions for Magento v2.x are supported.

Inability to support it earlier was caused by lack of Staging module in previously provided packs of Magento v2.x. During the installation of this Module, Magento native core functionalities are significantly changed, which caused the further crashing of M2E Pro.

Now, the according changes were implemented to M2E Pro and in-depth testing show that it is compatible with both Community and Enterprise versions without any differences.

Ability to import Company Name to Magento Customer data which is created during Order creation process

Using a new version of M2E Pro, the Company Name will be either imported into the Customer data which is generated during the Magento Order creation process.

Note: For already created Customers, this data will not be imported.


The Orders cannot be imported from Channel if there were a lot of Orders updates made at the same time

If you have any tool or script in use which updated the Orders data, most probably, there are a high number of changes made at the same time to the Orders. Previously, M2E Pro used the method when it checked the date of the latest synchronization of Orders data and started the next import from this date. But using this method, the orders import might be stopped that was related to the amount of importing orders.

In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was completely re-worked. New, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the further Orders importing/updating. This new functionality is solving this issue for Sellers with a high activity, large inventories and high number of Orders.

The delay in the Orders downloading if there were a lot of List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions running

In case you have a lot of Products in your Inventory with the high number of changes in them, the number of required List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions which should be executed is also high. For Sellers with the high-loaded systems as described above, the time-delay in the importing/updating of Orders might arise.

In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was improved. The completely new, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the Orders updating and minimize the possible delay. So, the issue with the Orders updating/importing delay should not arise.

Grids Performance was increased for the correct working with a high number of Products

To make the work with M2E Pro grids easier, all of them are construct to have a flexible interface, variety of filter and soring options available, Advanced Product Filters, etc. But for the case when the grid contains a high number of Products (10 000 and more), the issues might arise and the time to load the grid can be increased. It is caused by the high number of dynamic data which should be displayed (price calculated values, quantity, etc.)

In this version, the concept of grids processing was completely re-worked in order to increase the Grids Performance. As a results the speed to load the Grids was increased up to 100 times.

Note: the new filter was added to the Search tab grid. So, now you can filter by the Listing type - M2E Pro Listings or 3rd Party Listings - you would like to search for.

Also the Price values for Variational Products will be shown as the minimum value from all the Child Products.


Upgrade process might be failed if Module was migrated from Magento v1.x (Zend Framework bug)

In some cases if you migrated your M2E Pro from Magento v1.x to recent M2E Pro versions for Magento v2.x, the further upgrade might be failed and the maintenance mode can be enabled.

In the 1.2.0 version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now.

Please note, if you tried to upgrade your M2E Pro from 1.1.2 version to 1.1.3 version after you migrated it from Magento v1.x and the issue arose, please, contact our Support Team via email support@m2epro.com to solve it.

Some Magento Product changes might be lost if this Product is added to several Listings with different Store Views

If the same Magento Product is added into several M2E Pro Listings with different non-default Store Views used in the Listings, some changes made to the Product's Attributes values might be lost, which caused the further inability to correctly update this Product on channels.

In this version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now.

Quantity could be calculated incorrectly in some special cases (high limited range of cases)

In some rare cases when the Product configuration is rather complicated (e.g. dynamic values of Bundle Product with lots of Variations, etc.) the quantity value might be calculated incorrectly.

In the current version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now.

Customer tax classes were displayed in the Account configurations instead of Product tax classes

In the Account configurations, when the option Product Not Found is set to Create Product and Order, the ability to select Tax Class for the Product creation becomes available.

In previous version, there was an issue when Customer Tax Classes were available here for selection.

But in 1.2.0 version it was fixed and no related issues are observed now.

Method __() returns an empty string if there are some Plugins for Magento Blocks

In case in your Magento there are some Modules which install other Plugins or scripts which change parts of Magento codes, the alerts about "Translation not found", not working buttons, text-related issues might arose in your M2E Pro.

Starting from 1.2.0 version the compatibility with such modules/plugins was added to M2E Pro and no related issues are observed now.

Magento Order was not created when Quantity Reservation releasing does not revert the Product status back to In Stock

Previously, in case the Quantity Reservation took place and changed the Stock Status of the purchased Product to Out of Stock, in some specific cases, it might not be reverted back to In Stock when the Reserved Quantity is released.

In the 1.2.0 version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now.

Some records were missing in Listings Log during Magento Orders creation for Products with negative QTY

If your Product quantity was negative after/during the Magento Order creation, the according records were not available in the Listing Logs.

In this version, this issue is fixed and no related issues are observed now.

The incorrect message displayed when the order creation is disabled in the Account Configuration

In some cases, when the Magento Order creation for 3rd party Items is disabled in the Account Configurations, the message which was shown had an incorrect text.

Now this issue is fixed and the proper data is displaying.

Some fixes of different functionalities

There are a lot of fixes implemented into this version. For example, in some cases the error "Undefined index: interceptor in Ess/M2ePro/Helper/Module/Wizard.php" used to arise and the 404 error might happen during the Wizard setup.

All of them were investigated and according solutions were added to this versions.

So, starting from 1.2.0 version these issues are no longer persist.

eBay Integration


Special Tool that prevents and resolves Item Duplicates issues

In order to List/Relist Item on eBay, M2E Pro sends a request to eBay API which then returns a response with the Item ID which is provided for this Item on eBay. However, in some cases, when there are some eBay-related issues, network connection problems, etc., the request to List/Relist the Item is successfully proceeded on eBay, but the response is not sent back. Thus, there are no guarantee that the Item is listed/relisted on channel, which cause the next synchronization to attempt to list/relist the item anew. It might cause the duplicating of this Item on eBay and further restrictions related to the requirements of eBay Listing Policy.

To solve this issue and prevent the restrictions from eBay for such cases, the special Tool was implemented in current M2E Pro version. It detects the potential duplicates during the List/Relist actions and does not allow to proceed with the further process. It marks this Item as a Duplicate and does not allow it to be Listed/Relisted.

Once you click on Duplicate link, you will see a pop-up where you will be able to select one of the possible solutions:

  • Ignore this message for the Item {eBay Item ID}
    It means that during the next attempt to list/relist your Item, the data will be sent to eBay to check whether the issue is still persist.

  • Stop Item {eBay Item ID} on eBay
    It means that the Item will be automatically Stopped on eBay and you will be able to list your current Item without the further issues.

  • Stop Item {eBay Item ID} on eBay and list/relist the current Item
    It means that the Item will be automatically Stopped on eBay and the new one will be listed/relisted.
Ability to use M2E Pro images URLs in Custom Item Description

Starting from the current M2E Pro version, the ability to add the URLs of the images into the Custom Description of your Item has become available.

You can insert Base Image URL along with the 12 Gallery Images' URLs. The URLs will be generated considering the Image settings provided in the Description Policy.

Also, please, bear in mind that only URLs (e.g. http://mymagento.com/media/catalog/product/image1.jpg) will be inserted into the Description value, but not an HTML code.

Note: In case you set to insert the Gallery Image Url 10, but only 7 Gallery Images are available in your Product, the blanc space will be added to the Description value.


The Variational Product cannot be listed to eBay if its Variational Attribute(s)/Option(s) contain the space at the start or at the end of its title

Currently different eBay marketplaces have different behavior considering the Variational Products where Variational Attribute title or Option title has a space at the beginning or in the end. For some marketplaces eBay system automatically removes this space from the title, which causes the further issues with the Products updating. Along with that, for other marketplaces eBay system does not make any changes.

Thus, to prevent any further issues with the Products updating on eBay, starting from the current version of M2E Pro the error will arise when you attempt to update such Variational Product.

It allows M2E Pro to guarantee that the further errors from eBay considering the difference in the Variational Attributes/Options will not arise.

Gallery Images adding to the Custom Description via CSS instead of JS (eBay active content deprecation announcement)

Recently eBay published an announcement which states that from 2017 the active content in the Items Description will be restricted.

M2E Pro Team checked the code which can be provided via the Extension to keep abreast and prevent any further issues related to this restriction. That is why, some changes were implemented into the mechanism of the Gallery Images provided in the Custom Description.

Now it is processing via HTML with CSS technologies which corresponds to the eBay instructions in this field.

Improvement of the Product main information updating during the Relist action running

As you probably know, the Synchronization Policy configurations contain a special option - Synchronize Data for the Relist Rules. This option is recommended to be enabled if you would like the Product information (Price, Quantity, etc.) to be updated on eBay during the relist running.

However, there used to be some issues when the Price and Quantity values were not accurately updated even if the Synchronize Data is set to Yes.

Thus, the logic of the option working was improved and now all the Quantity-, Price-related Product information including the data about its Variations will be sent to eBay, as logically Relist action should update the product data with the actual values.

Another URL is generated to link the Item on eBay

When the Item is listed/updated on eBay, its URL generation was changed in the current version considering changes which were made on eBay.

Now, the correct URL is generated and no related issues are observed.


Items with Price 0.99 and less could not be Listed and Revised

In previous version there was an issue when the error arose for the Products with the Price value 0.99 and less, which did not allow updating them on eBay.

This issue is fixed in the current version and no related issues are observed now.

3rd Party Listings were not imported if there were a lot of Items on eBay

If your eBay Inventory contains a high number of Products, the 3rd Party Listings import might not work in some cases.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the current version.

Major fixes for Items with the enabled Out of Stock Control option

In previous versions, there were some issues related to the management of Items with the Out Of Stock Control option enabled. So, in some cases the Item can even be stopped despite the Out Of Stock Control enabled. It was caused by several misconfigurations which are solved in the new version:

  • User Preferences

For some cases, when the Out of Stock Control option was enabled in the User Preferences section directly on eBay, M2E Pro does not have the information about it and can even stop the item despite the enabled option. Now, there were some major technical changes made to solve this issue. So, using the current version, M2E Pro will upload the information about the state (enabled/disabled) of the Out of Stock Control option from User Preferences settings and such Items will be managed properly.

  • Enabled Out of Stock Control during the Revise action running

Under certain circumstances earlier, the issues can arise if the Out Of Stock Control option was enabled during the Items Revise. There were some changes made, so now the enabling of the Out Of Stock Control option during the Revise action is properly retrieved and the further Item management will work correctly.

  • 3rd party Items with the Out of Stock Control enabled

During the 3rd party import, there is no way to upload all the item information from eBay. So, for some imported Items there were no information about the Out of Stock Control option state (enabled/disabled). It could cause the improper further Item updating. However, the latest version has a significant fix which allows importing the needed data and update the items then correctly.

  • Listing Duration

If the Listing Duration differs from Good Till Cancelled, the Out of Stock Control will be considered as Disabled. Even if in your User Preferences, this option is enabled, it will not be taken into the account, if Duration is set, e.g. to 3 Days.

To sum up, the Items management with the Out of Stock Control option enabled was totally re-worked and is working properly in the current M2E Pro version.

Orders Synchronization could not work correctly sometimes if there are a lot of changes on eBay side

In some cases the Orders synchronization worked incorrectly if the the number of changes on eBay was high.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the current version.

Gallery images were displayed incorrectly in the Custom Description on eBay

In some cases, when, for example, you set to show the 5 gallery image, but in your Magento Product it is missing, the Main Image was shown instead.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the current version.

Error "The Product was Listed as a Simple Product as it has limitation for Multi-Variation Items" during list item even if requirements are met

For some cases when you attempt to list the Variational Magento Product to eBay, the error "The Product was Listed as a Simple Product as it has limitation for Multi-Variation Items" arose even if the Item met all the requirements.

This issue is fixed in the current version and no related issues are observed now.

If an eBay Category in which the Item is Listed starts to require Product Identifier to be specified, all Product Data will be sent to the channel

In previous versions, errors might arise during Price/QTY Revise (Partial Revise) or Relist (with the Synchronize Data set to No) actions, in those cases when an eBay Category in which an Item was Listed started to require Product Identifiers (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc). It was caused by the fact that during these actions only a basic set of the Product Data was sent to eBay (e.g. eBay Item ID and its new Quantity or Price), but the Product Identifiers were not sent. Due to this, the errors such as 'UPC is missing a value. Enter a value and try again.', 'EAN is missing a value. Enter a value and try again.', etc. could occur.

These errors could be received for an unlimited number of times, as there was no mechanism which would initiate a full Product Data update on the channel. Due to this, it was necessary to run Revise action for the affected Items manually to solve the issue. In case of a sizeable inventory, it could be rather difficult to identify which Item were affected and had to be manually updated. Moreover, execution of manual actions may be relatively time-consuming.

To resolve the problem, M2E Pro implemented the mechanism which automatically detects the affected Items and pushes the system to send all the Product Data to eBay for them.

Below you can find the steps of how it works:

  • the Product Price is changed in Magento Product;
  • Price Revise is launched;
  • eBay Item ID and updated Price value is sent;
  • eBay Category starts to require Product Identifier UPC to be specified;
  • the error 'UPC is missing a value. Enter a value and try again.' arises;
  • M2E Pro automatically detects that the Item is affected by this issue and sends all the necessary Product data to eBay.

As a result, the Item is updated on eBay with all the required data. This solution works for both Simple and Multi-Variational Products.

The item with 'Listed (Hidden)' status can not be listed again if eBay removed it earlier (60 days inactivity reason)

Basing on eBay logic - if the Item has a Listed (Hidden) status and was not modified for 60 days, it should be removed. Thus, when you tried to relist this Item using M2E Pro, the error arise as there is no according Item on eBay.

Now, M2E Pro has implemented a mechanism which run the List action automatically if previous Relist action was failed because of the issue described above.

Multiple fixes of different functionalities
Price and Quantity changes of individual variations, that performed directly on eBay, were lost in some cases

Under certain circumstances the changes made to individual veriation directly on eBay were lost.

This issue is fixed in the current version and no related issues are observed now.

Error "Instance does not exist" during removing a Simple Product of Variation Product from Magento

In some cases when you attempt to remove Child Product from Magento, the error "Instance does not exist" might arise.

This issue is fixed in the current version and no related issues are observed now.

Amazon Integration


Ability to use Shipping Templates features

There are several modes available for working with Shipping settings on Amazon:

  • Global settings with the ability to override the configurations for the particular Product(s) (Shipping Override Policy);
  • Shipping Templates which allow identifying settings for the particular Product(s).

Starting from this version, M2E Pro supports both of the Amazon Shipping configurations.

So, you can select the Mode which is enabled for your Amazon Account in Seller Central in Amazon Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Shipping Settings tab.

Note: The Mode should be selected according to the configurations of your Amazon Account. Otherwise, Amazon might return you errors.

Depending on the Mode selected in the Account configurations, the according Policy can be assigned on the Settings View Mode of the Listing.

The according Policies could be created in Amazon Integration > Configurations > Policies section.

In order to create the Shipping Template Policy, you should configure the according Template in your Seller Central first. It is caused by the fact that there are no ability to manage this settings via Amazon API. Then the name of the created Amazon Template you should provide in the Shipping Template Policy in M2E Pro to be able to apply it to your Amazon Items.

Fulfillment Center ID is provided in FBA Orders data

In the current M2E Pro version, new functionality for the FBA Orders management was added. So, now if the Orders information returned from Amazon contains a Fulfillment Center ID, it would be transferred into the Orders information available in Sell on Multi-channels > Sales section.

Note: For the orders which were imported before the upgrade, this information cannot be downloaded. Only for newly imported orders, it will become available.
Ability to create new ASIN/ISBN in Canada Marketplace using Description Policy

The new M2E Pro version contains an ability to create new ASIN/ISBN for Amazon Canada Marketplace. Thus, the ability to create Description Policy was added either.

The Description Policy can either be used in order to update the product information on Amazon.

The detailed information about it you can find here.

Ability to Manage Variation Attributes Matching

Starting from the version 1.2.0 M2E Pro can save the match of Variation Attributes/Options you select.

So now when you click on Manage Variations link in a Listing, you will see new tab Advanced in a grid, where you can manage earlier saved Attributes and Option matching.

This tab is always available and there are two blocks of settings:

  • the block of managing for automatic M2E Pro Actions, where you can select if M2E Pro should always ask you/save/not save the Attributes/Options you matched.
Note, the values set up in this block are global. So they will be used for all your Products.
  • the block of managing of saved matches, where you can observe/remove saved matches.


Many Performance improvements for synchronization with the Repricing Service

In previous versions, in some cases the Performance-related issues might arise for the cases when a lot of Products should be managed via Repricing Service.

New version contains some major Performance improvements which allows to work with the high number of Products without any issues, update Min, Max, Regular Prices, import Price values from Amazon without any issues.

There was a time-delay in Order status updating if there were a lot of List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions running

In case you have a lot of Products in your Inventory with the high number of changes in them, the number of required List/Revise/Relist/Stop actions which should be executed is also high. For Sellers with the high-loaded systems as described above, the time-delay in the updating of Orders' Statuses might arise.

In this M2E Pro version, this functionality was improved. The completely new, special programmatic part was implemented into the Extension, which allows to proceed the Orders updating and minimize the possible delay. So, the issue with the Orders' statuses updating delay should not arise.

Price values of the Products managed via Repricing Service will be updated every hour instead of one time a day

Previously the Price values displayed in M2E Pro for the Products managed via Repricing Service used to be updated once a day. It caused the difference in the actual Price value shown on Amazon for the Product and those value which you can see in your Listings.

To solve this issue, the frequent of the Price updating was increased and starting from 1.2.0 version the Price values are updated each hour.


In some cases Products could be marked with Repricing Service icon even if they are not used by it

Previous test M2E Pro version has an issue when in some specific cases the Products can be marked with the Repricing Service icon even if they are not managed by it.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

Ability to Refund Order on Channel

Sometimes the Orders were not refunded on Amazon even though the Credit Memo was created in Magento.

This problem is fixed now and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

Sometimes all Products can be marked as Inactive (Blocked)

In some cases, if the number of Products in the inventory is quite high, the Products can be marked as Inactive (Blocked) and Synchronization of Channel Changes can be stopped.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the current version.

Adding a lot of Products to the Repricing Service from Listing Grid did not work correctly

In previous test versions there was an issue which occurred when you tried to add a high number of Products to the Repricing Service.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

Full revise by Description Policy did not work, if change was performed on Definition tab

Under certain circumstances, the change made to the data placed on the Definition tab of the Description Policy was not properly reflected to Amazon and the Full Revise was not executed.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

Synchronization was broken due to error "Call to a member function getOptions() on a non-object"

For the case when there were some changes made to Child Products, the error "Call to a member function getOptions() on a non-object" arose. It used to prevent the Items from being properly updated on Amazon.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

Repricing data was not synchronized correctly if product has numeric SKU

In some cases when the SKU of the Product managed via Repricing Service was like 0075, the error might arise.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

The Product was not marked with the Repricing Service icon if it was moved from the 3rd Party Listings

Under certain conditions, the Product can be not marked as managed via Repricing Service if it was moved from the 3rd Party Listings.

This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.2.0.

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